Move Experience Bar?

How? I have MoveAnything and I cannot move the XP bar still…

Bartender will let you do it, but you’ll have to setup your actionbars again too because it replaces those as well



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Well I think Blizz just assumes you’ll just hit level cap and forget about it. They probably dont want to add anymore UI changes if they can help it.

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As of current build you can’t move the XP/Rep bar (even at max level of 60), but there are a few things that you can do to “hide” this bar in the default UI that Blizz released with Dragonflight pre-patch:

  1. Make sure to disable/tweek settings for any add-ons that automatically swap to “watch” a rep when you make gains with that rep. An example of an add-on like this would be: RepByZone (you can look this up on Curseforge if you’re not sure what type I’m referencing here). - If you don’t do this then anything from Step 2 will be only a temporary measure

  2. Go into your Reputation (default: u)

  • Click on a random reputation
  • Select/Check “Show as Experience Bar”
  • Then Unselect/uncheck the reputation you just checked.

This should allow you to hide your reputation bar without the need for additional add-ons.

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Why would you ever want to hide it? It’s a valuable thing to have, Blizz just needs to make it movable and resizable without addons.


I don’t disagree, but until Blizz fixes it, it’s current location looks horrible. In terms of XP bar, there’s a WA for that (Luxthos - Experience Group), and farming reputation, there’s a WA for that too (SL Reputation Bars).

I was offering a temporary solution until Blizz decides if they’re going to fix it or not. Until that time, these are the options that exist.

The XP bar can be moved/scaled/resized through an addon called “MoveIt”
Once downloaded, you presently access the MoveIt UI through:

  • /mit

To add the applicable frame you can use Toggle Frame Stack (for other bars that you’re unsure of their name), otherwise for the XP bar it’s called:

  • StatusTrackingBarManager

Yup, MoveIt worked for me. Really light addon, and the directions posted here work. Thanks