Mouseover click macro?

Hey there! I am trying to make a reasonably simple macro. I see lots of threads with mouseover and that is very common, however, do I like how some (healing) spells, when you have no target, or you have an enemy targeted, ask you to click on something in order to cast them. I like that confirmation click and mouseover just heals wherever my mouse is on.

Is there a macro string for that? Since that is the usual behavior of spells. My problem is with Holy Shock, as a holy paladin, in dungeons, I like to be close to my tank and DPSing my enemy while I am healing the group. However, when I cast Holy Shock, it will damage the enemy I have targeted.

Thank you very much

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] [help] [@targettarget,help,nodead] [@none] Holy Shock

Variant of

Thank you so much! I wish there was a simpler way to macro that, I am not that good with them and to me, it feels like a very standard spell behavior

EDIT: I tried it out, but the spell still heals when I have my mouse over a target, it only lets me click them to heal if I use it while the mouse it not on top of them

Ya, that makes it quicker. If you always want the force the hand just use the following:

/cast [@none] spell