the swaying is awful, but it’s the best mount to afk-fly on.
i’ve never had it get stuck on a tree, and if i’m afk, i don’t get sea-sick riding it
Yup. The bouncy bouncy ride had me not use it.
and the Nether Ray’s ‘hit box’ was so much bigger than expected.
The 100 exalted reputations mount. It should have been a Unicorn it doesn’t even fly!
Lucid Nightmare, I really hate its run animation…the same one is used on Warforged Nightmare. But the biggest let down is the Tyrael’s Charger, the wings constantly flapping…giant huge flapping wings non-stop is the reason I don’t use this gorgeous mount.
You monster. There’s nothing better in the world (of Warcraft) than an alpaca jumping circle.
The two quilen mounts from the Vale let me down too. I don’t understand why Blizzard made them so tiny to their counterpart (CE mount.)
It’s going to fly in SL or the SL prepatch.
Aw no man, you just gave me my lightbulb.
I LOVED that the plainstriders ran with their heads up! It was unique since the hawkstriders were heads down. Now they’re both heads down. Love the updated graphics, hate the updated movements. A lot.
My cata gladiator mount let me down when I first noticed a giant hole in the models front foot 9 years ago. I’ve reported it several times but it’s never been fixed. Can see right through it and everything.
Then, when they let flying mounts be used in ground mount only areas, they left the jump animation bugged (that they fixed in other drake mounts). So it does this really janky jerking motion back in the air with the rider rocking back and forth when it jumps and lands when acting as a ground mount. That they haven’t fixed it is really disappointing.
The four Falcosaur mounts, flightless birds. The Snowfeather is pretty good looking though.
Mount from that bird in Mechagon. Man somehow I had this impression that wheel could fly…
Ashes of A’lar. Got it in 5 kills, which was awesome, and I was super stoked. However, when you fly on it, it leaves trails of pink and orange and purple glowy ribbons that are really annoying to have in your field of view. And the sound of the wings flapping is too high pitched and tinny sounding. Really beautiful mount, I love how it looks, but I just can’t fly it.
Ashes of A’lar.
Mounted up, had glowy ribbons flapping in my face, changed mounts and haven’t used it since.
Biggest wow disappointment ever because I started at the beginning of TBC and that mount was THE HOLY GRAIL of mounts in my mind. Got it in cata, my disappointment was immeasurabe and my week was ruined.
Thought this was going to be a gnome dismounting thread.
Yeah that was my reaction too, not sure why the animations had to change but they do look waaay better
Drakes just need a face lift, nothing more
Personally, the BC Nether Rays.
I just don’t like where you end up sitting on them, and they seem too small. The low-rez textures from being such an old mount doesn’t help either, but I can forgive something like that if the rest of the mount looks good (like the Nether Drakes, for example).
I put alot of work into farming up the rep to be able to buy them, and I thought I’d love them once I got them. Tried them out, and never used them on any character ever again.
Mounts don’t let me down. I know what I’m getting when I’m hunting for it.
Any mount based off the dragon mounts from Pandaria… I hate the way they fly.
Bloodflank charger. It’s amazing looking and fits well for the Horde. But it twitches. I don’t know if it’s a bug. Nothing wrong with the twitches although it does kind of bother me but I just feel bad riding him. It seems like I’m too heavy.
Priest class mount aka Owlkitty (High Priest’s Lightsworn Seeker).
Blizz nerfed the sparkles its wing spews because too many non-priests complained about it being blinding or whatever. Those sparkles were the best thing about that mount!
Not a big fan of the summoning sound effect though.
Celestial Steed.
Back when I was a super noob player I saw someone on it in Silvermoon City and thought it looked soooo pretty. I decided I’m going to buy it once I hit lv60 and get to fly for the first time.
So the day came and I was super excited - only to find out that I just could not stand the loud wing flapping sound… promptly went back to my good ol’ plain Green Wind Rider lol.
Thanks for this!
He lost his ability to fly after his battle with the Primal God Sethe. He consumed the corpse, but was cursed and his wings shriveled up & he became disfigured. If he could fly, he would look like a Dread Raven mount, but without the armor.