Mount Equipment Is A Terrible Idea

There’s nothing wrong with Daze as a mechanic. It’s to get you off your mount so you have to engage with the mobs.

Mount equipment is dumb, though. Just add an easily-acquired water walking mount if it’s that broken.

There are so many things wrong with this I don’t even know where to start.

Please start!
Make as much sense as:

  1. Boats that don’t float
  2. Water striders that can’t stride on water
  3. Flying mounts with wings that can’t fly.
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Okay, sure. I’m going to ignore the post I quoted, because it isn’t at all relevant, but here goes:

  1. Whether you get dazed has nothing to do with how quickly you “consume the content.” Getting knocked off your mount and having to Vanish or Shadowmeld or kill a guy isn’t going to drastically increase the amount of time it takes you to hit exalted with a faction.

  2. Getting dazed off a mount has to do with being forced to interact with the world and not just run (or fly!) past everything, granting you the abilty to cherry-pick your encounters. Granted, it’s still kind of possible to do this, but you have to at least equip an item and be the correct race and/or class.

  3. Playing a game for fun isn’t about doing a set number of tasks in as little time as possible. I actually had a lot of fun last night playing through the Classic beta for a while. Boy is it slow, but it’s still fun. In fact, it’s fun partly because it’s slow.

  4. With the vast array of ways that Blizzard has or could reduce your pace through content, it’s insane to think that dazing is one of them. If it’s a reputation grind, they could just halve the reputation gain. If it’s an emissary reward, they could simply double the number of quests required for the reward.

  5. You’re correct to believe that there’s intended pacing for the content, but if Blizzard takes a month to create content you complete in an hour, you’re going to be right back here on the forums complaining that there’s nothing to do.

So, to sum up, you’re complaining content completion rate, that, if solved, you would still complain about, and you’re blaming a completely unrelated game mechanic for it, while also accusing Blizzard of intentionally trying to create a game that you personally don’t find fun (but it’s not stopping you from playing it).

I noticed this while questing on my low level toon. I was going down a road and some mob in a field ran at me and was not only able to slow me but knock me off my mount. Then the slow lasted for a long time as I tried to walk away. I finally had to turn and fight the stupid mob because it was wasting so much of my time.

It was not fun at all : /


That’s basically it, it wastes time and is not fun

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Sure it does. it’s slow your game play. What a load of garbage.

It does make you interact with the world by making you kill mobs that are no risk and no reward.

Different people have different ways of having fun. You do not get to choose what I think is fun.

It’s just one of many, not insane.

You agree it is for pacing, but it doesn’t slow content consumption? What?

This is your interpretation of what said, but I didn’t say it. I do say Blizzard intentionally adds aspects to the game to slow content consumption, not that they are intentionally trying to make the game not fun.

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Yeah, I’m pretty convinced that this wasn’t just a “oops, we didn’t account for passive absorbs” error…

I think they added new baseline code to increase the chance of daze/dismount across the board, which will still be there even after they adjust (perhaps not completely) for passive absorbs.

Barding / No-daze / Resounding Protection or, perhaps even some combination, will likely be still be more essential than ever.