Mount Equipment Is A Terrible Idea

Look, all you have to do is nerf the water strider, a Pandaria mount, to only offer its unique perk in Pandaria. Likewise the sky golem and other shredder mounts.

The entirety of the mount equipment system is a Bad Idea, capital B, capital I, in an expansion ripe with some of the worst design ideas in this game’s fifteen year history. Or at least it wouldn’t be a ferociously malignant bad idea if this cancerous nonsense wasn’t being bundled along with it:

Daze always has been and always will be a garbage mechanic, and instead of getting rid of it, you’re nerfing a common way players were dealing with it short of only playing tank specs. It’s therefore unfortunate that I can’t fully express my exceptionally low opinion of your abilities as game designers without being banned for profanity, even if it is self-censored.


Take it here Absorbs to No Longer Prevent Daze (EDIT: APPARENTLY A BUG)

I don’t think the equipment is a bad idea per se.

I do think it’s being implemented very poorly, and it’s a really bad idea to change the game so players are forced to use it.


This is the crux of the issue, really.

Instead of giving players new things to do with their new system, they’re creating new inconveniences and having it fix them.

I’d be all for mount equipment if it added new types of fun to the game, but as it is, all it does is reduce things that aren’t fun. Not the greatest.


Uh… no.

First off, they tried this twice and people flipped out.

Secondly, leave water walking alone. There’s nothing wrong with it. We earned that mount and its inherent perk.

No it’s not. There should be consequences for you running through a pack of angry mobs trying to kill you.

And the mount equipment you hate so much fixes this anyway. So why are you complaining?


Even if you outgear said mobs to the point where dismounting to kill them with a single flick of your wrist is more of an annoyance than anything else?


Well, only if you choose the anti-daze equipment (and thus lose water walking). Also, the reports from the PTR are claiming the mob density has been upped considerably–and includes mobs to knock you off your flying mounts.


I don’t care how much armor you’ve got on. A pack of angry wolves or a huge ticked off bear is going to rip you off your mount.

Daze has its place so that you’re not mindlessly running through things that are meant to be dangerous. The world is not Hello Kitty Island. It’s going to be annoying to get around. And it should be. Just like flying over certain areas should be dangerous.

Which is part of the problem. But the OP doesn’t care about water walking, since he wants it taken out anyway.

That makes me happy!


You are happy to have only one viable equipment option? Or happy to be constantly knocked off your mount?

Though, to be honest, we won’t know how bad it’s actually going to be until it launches. It could be like the folks on the PTR are saying–or it could be worse.


This is kind of my point, though. It’s not dangerous, those things that should pose a danger to my character simply don’t. They’re nothing more than a small obstacle on the way to the next world quest, as far as the game is concerned.

It doesn’t help at all that Blizzard have seemingly abandoned that old idea of ‘if you stick to the roads, you’ll be okay’. That is, if you’re lucky enough to even have a road.

I’m all for making the world more dangerous, but making it more annoying doesn’t achieve that. Making the world more annoying just makes me want to play another game.


In its current state I would prefer they didn’t implement it at all… And I picked it months ago that we would be getting mobs that knock you out of the sky …its only going to get worse from here on … mark my words

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It won’t be constant. But flying shouldn’t be easy. It wasn’t in BC. That’s what makes it part of the world and more engaging.

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I hope you’re right, and the folks on the PTR are just exaggerating. Right now most of what I’ve heard is you can’t travel at all without the anti-daze equipment.

We really needed ANOTHER thread about this. Why not post in one of those?

If Blizzard wanted to engage players in the world, they would add things to the world to reflect that - to make places feel lived-in, and less like a mere conduit for questing content.

Knocking a player off their mount to occasionally smash a wolf’s head in is not engaging in the slightest. Running across a small, hidden house with some interesting NPCs in it might be.

tl;dr: If you want to engage me in the world, give me more to do in it than simply complete WQs and gather resource nodes.


Did everybody forget about Leatherworker’s bardings? I’ve spent eons on this profession, let me have my fun and money too.


The description seems to imply those won’t work in the new zones at all.

Argus was dangerous till we outgeared it. It’s part of engaging in the world. You should never be allowed to run through things trying to kill you without consequences. Annoying means people don’t ragequit like they would if they got killed if all mobs were hard hitting elites.

In this day and age, I doubt most would stop to care. And if they do, it’d be once.

Traveling off-road isn’t supposed to be easy.

Through…somewhat near…all the same, right? I run around the Barrens or Desolace and I can time and angle to avoid most of the critters even drastically under-levelled. It sounds like the new areas, like Argus, are all as densely populated as a settlement is in Kalimdor. Roads are off-road too, that’s just wrong.