Mount drop question

Pets from some of the rares still drop out on Timeless. I’ve got half a dozen Dandelion Frolickers in the bank from doing the pink crystal encounter over and over.


Current expansion mount drop rates are higher, it has been that way for how long? Could care less what it was in MoP, this is not Classic MoP. Understand boot-licker?

MoP Remix isn’t the current expansion.

It is when you are in it.

No, it’s a game mode tacked onto the side of Dragonflight, you don’t have access to anything else in Dragonflight.

Why would you have access to the Dragonflight drop rates, when Blizzard wants you to buy the mounts with Bronze?

Especially when farming Bronze is much easier than years of farming the drops in retail.

Last time I am going to say it moron. When you are not farming legacy content the mount drop rates are much higher, as they should be and have been for a few expansions, and is the norm.

I’m done with you. Go irritate someone else.

Hello Kaivax! Thanks for the confirmation and…

I’m just gonna poke ya about the Shado-Pan robes :slight_smile:

Lucky that you’re farming for Bronze in this mode then, the mounts don’t drop at all.

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Thank you for the loot drop info. Im having so much fun in remix.

Thats a good point. I should go back and do a few on retail.

I looted the ash covered horn or whatever it is, from the Timeless Isle. Off one of the Ordos mobs that summons the mushan kind of like the remix yak. I haven’t seen other toys drop yet because I haven’t been on Timeless Isle that much.

Kaivex mispoke. You do get the missing appearances from the original quest rewards, but not the actual original loot.

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Cool… Something I can stop wasting my time on then. No bronze. No chance of mounts. This makes them worthless mobs.

I don’t know, but considering people have been farming those world bosses for years w/ no luck, you’d be better off getting off the vendor.

I’m not sure I can trust this information considering in April they said the mounts were dropping.


Do the tiny carp pets drop from fishing?

Please tell me they can and that spending hours fishing on my timerunner while watching youtube hasn’t been a horrible mistake.

I believe I actually did get the gulp frog pet off bufo about a week ago, in remix.

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I have gotten a handful of the rare drop pets on the timeless island. So they do indeed drop

Mounts do not drop in remix but still do in retail. Once remix is over though they will no longer drop in retail or anywhere else and the books will be closed on this.

Make sure you spend your bronze or farm in retail or both before this ends.

Where did they say that? I don’t recall reading it anywhere.

Not that I care. I almost have everything I want and/or might want, I am just curious.