Azraia have you ever thought about making a Discord server for Mount Collectors? You could call it the Mount Collector Support Group, and hopefully help people get mounts, etc…
I can offer my assistance, I’m very skillful with Discord and can lend a hand if you ever happy to do so.
Yah good to see your back mate!
Received my 371st mount last night while doing Timewalking. My newest mount is the Infinite Timereaver.
#244 - Dapple Gray
very nice! that one still eludes me
#245 - Admiralty Stallion
Been going through a mount drought but I finally picked up a few new ones:
#440 - Terrified Pack Mule
#441 - Witherbark Direwing
#442 - Prestigious Forest Courser
Missed a few, but last few:
#409 Swift Albino Raptor
#410 Witherbark Direwing
#411 Lil’ Donkey
#246 - Luminous Starseeker
#247 - Smoky Charger
Prestigious War Steed now added after finishing up the meta with everyone else in BFA was so easy.
Got my 372nd mount tonight. My newest mount is the Reins of the Palehide Direhorn.
#443 - Swift Albino Raptor
Only two more mounts to go from Arathi: Gutripper and the Lil’ Donkey. I hope to get them before 8.1 so I can focus on the new Warfront.
#248 - Dark Iron Core Hound
#415 Bloodgorged Crawg from Glory of the Uldir Raider
Mount #418 Cobalt Primordial Direhorn (Total 763 kills + coin, but my DH gotten it after 50 kills)
Mount #419 Underrot Crawg
Going to receive my 373rd mount today after maintenance concludes. My newest mount is for pre-purchasing the Spoils of War Edition of Warcraft III: Reforged.
Looking forward to riding around on my new Meat Wagon Mount!
446 - Meat bicycle
447 - Green jumpy boi
448 - Yellow jumpy boi
449 - Blue jumpy boi
#444 - Meat Wagon!
Zunde just reminded me how broke I am.
Don’t feel bad getting those three mounts was the last of my gold stores after using gold to buy WC3 , Dreadwake , and Blizzcon.