How to Deal with Motion Sickness and Dragon Riding

Motion sickness in video games is not something new for gamers. Many people suffer from this and it is caused by different things. For me it’s if the game is too dark or if it goes from light to dark too often too fast. Even games like Minecraft has been know to cause motion sickness for players, but this doesn’t mean there aren’t things that can be done to help.

First things are outside the game. Make sure that your physical surrounds are properly lit up. Not too light, but you aren’t sitting in the dark either. That the room you are gaming in is about the same or slightly darker than the world on your screen. Something as simple as backlighting your monitor can help. I would suggest to avoid lighting that flashes or constantly changes really fast as that can make things worse.

Consider getting blue light blocker glasses as well. Though they alone won’t fix the issue they do help your eyes relax and keep you blinking. And speaking of blinking, set a timer for every 5 or so minutes to focus on something off the computer screen for a few seconds, and to blink… a lot.

Take breaks more often. If you feel the slight bit of sickness coming on stop. It’s only going to get worse. If you want to continue playing consider playing another character or doing older content for a bit.

There are a lot of settings in game that can help. These settings may be different than when you regularly play. So you may need to keep them to the setting until you are finished with Dragon Riding.

Motion Sickness Settings

  1. Go into you Game Menu (hit ESC).
  2. Make sure you are in the Game tab.
  3. Go down to Accessibility > General.
  4. Toggle the options for Motion Sickness to Keep character centered and Reduce camera motion.
  5. Also might want to check Alternative Full Screen Effects.

Optional Settings
Don’t need to do these, but can really help. These will be trial and error for you, and to tinker with until you find what works.

  1. Go to the System > Graphics.
  2. Decrease Camera FOV (I do about 60/70)
  3. Decrease Graphics Quality (I do about 5)
  4. Decrease View Distance (I do about 4/5)
  5. Decrease Environmental Detail (I do about 3/4)
  6. Decrease Ground Clutter (I do about 3/4)

Other things you can try are Contrast and Brightness levels. I also turn Spell Density down as well.

Hope this helps any of you guys. I know how horrible it is to be playing a game you love and get hit with motion sickness. If I find any other suggestions or tips I’ll update.


Awesome, I don’t have motion sickness but linked it to my tips post for those who do:

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Enable Group Ride Along

If you are playing in a group and your friend or party member is okay flying, there is a passenger mode they can enable. To turn this one they can go talk with Lithragosa at the Skytop Observatory in The Waking Shores (LOC 74, 57). Follow the dialogue:

I heard something about helping fellow adventurers?

Please enable passengers for me.

They will now mount up normally and you’ll turn into a whelping and follow them.

For them to turn it off they go back to Lithragosa and follow the same dialogue only this time:

Please disable passengers for me.

This is a good way to collect your Dragon Riding Glyphs if you are struggling and need some help.

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I don’t get motion sickness (I can read books in the car lol) but this is hugely helpful. I’m glad people are helping others to figure it out rather than just chastising them for something they can’t control.

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Get All Your Dragon Riding Glyphs

Once you get the ability to start getting glyphs to advance your dragon, stop questing and go gather them. This will allow you to maintain a glide (slower, constant speed) which is better at preventing the motion sickness since your character isn’t constantly bouncing.

Great news is you only have to do this once… EVER! Once you get them on one character you have them on all as they are account-wide. So it’s worth doing as soon as you can.

Here’s Method’s guide for locations and tips:

Some tips I found when doing this:

  • Use this time to practice and learn flying. I am assuming that is kind of what this was aiming for.

  • Take your time. If the glyph is high up and you run out of vigor, sit down as high up as you can and leap frog up. It’s slow and annoying, but doable. Remember only have to collect them once.

  • When you go to land to recharge try to land as high up as you can.

  • Take this time to also grab flight points while out.

  • If you get down to 1 vigor start looking for a landing spot. Always have one in case you have to get out of an unsafe area.

  • Once again… take your time. Enjoy this trip around the map. When landing to recharge explore a little, find herbs/ores, fish, tame battle pets, etc.

I get horrible motion sickness, and greatly appreciate this write up.

I’ll give it a shot in game, but if it persists I’m sitting this expac out.

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