Most underrated PvP class?

Literally nothing fits your definition. Anything that has that kind of power in wow for it’s entire history has never been underrated. This concept will basically never exist in any video game because it’s always the top performers (the pros) who influence the entirety of a community. You see this in LoL a lot where top rated champions often have higher than avg skill caps as well.

Same in wow. The two classes offering the highest skill caps with the most tools and the largest differences between scrubs and gods were rogues and mages. They were NOT underrated at all.

Something that might be consistently underrated is usually due to it being luck-based versus skill-based. Enh shaman getting tripe WF proc might blow someone up crazy fast, and it might happen often enough that it’s underrated, but it’s hardly a difference of skill like you’re fantasizing about.

Druid. Good ones were extremely rare. The class was viewed as weak due to low numbers in pve. But they could pull off some crazy stuff in pvp.

Warlocks were definitely not underrated in late Vanilla. There is a reason people made jokes about them being a raid boss.


It’s always fun to look at the brackets and see warriors galore and multiple spreists then all of a sudden a hunter, a Shaman, etc.

Edit - so I’m saying there’s a few there not listing in any particular order.

Yeah until they get focused and then it’s good night. KFC chicken dinner. That or they go oom and are useless

That is not what skill ceiling and floor mean (you have a portion of it though). Skill ceiling is a level of skill required to play a character to its maximum potential. Basically how hard is the class to play WELL. Skill floor is the opposite. How hard is it to play the character at a basic level.
Mage has a low skill floor, its very easy to learn and play and about an average skill ceiling.
Druid is by far the highest skill ceiling of all classes, there is just so much going on.
Warlock is probably the next highest ceiling.

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Druid particularly balance Druid look up stormx on YouTube you’ll be amazed what he can do.