Most Garbage Arms Changes

lol it was the first reworked spec of dragonflight > was really good in pvp for a few weeks > got a bunch -25 to 50% pvp nerfs on almost half the talents.

not exactly a mystery why the spec is garbo now, skullsplitter/fatalmark/exec precision/martial prowess all slapped last season and it got left behind after the global crit nerf.

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Not true, but I get your point.

90% of seasons crit has always been the best stat for armsā€¦ not true? obviously not this season

TBC you stacked Crit.
WoTLK you stacked ArP/Str.
Cata you stacked Crit/Str.
MoP you stacked Crit/Str.
WoD you stacked Mastery.
Legionā€¦ templates lol.
BfA you stacked Haste.
SL you stacked Haste (majority of the time, some crit and some mastery as well).
DF you stackedā€¦ undetermined lol.

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Mastery for bigger Rampages. :sunglasses:




Alright, alright.

Mastery for bigger Shield Charges. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Better but still.

out of crit haste and mastery, crit was desired 90% of seasons.

Iā€™m not talking about when there were weird secondaries like ARP, but even with ARP, you still stacked as much crit as possible, and armor pen only outscaled crit when you could get enough of it (s8).

SL is debatable, you got haste to a certain point(just like s1 DF) and then still stacked crit, mastery was terrible in most of SL for Arms?

Mastery really wasnā€™t that bad, but until Unchained crit just offered too much game-swinging potential, especially in stuff like retwarr or kitty where one crit just ends things. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Haste/mastery was still good damagurs, just lower topend, which was fine in some comps/matchups.

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I see to remember stacking alot of STR gems as sword spec rather than crit.

WoTLK probably more of a toss up, I havenā€™t played classic WoTLK just pulling from my own memory 15+ years agoā€¦

15+ years agoā€¦


Str is a primary stat, u always need str. Iā€™m talking secondaries lol

If there was a way to stack Str in DF im sure we would, but you cant. lol

Mastery is poop for arms, vers is better to stack 99% of the time, haste is soft capped, and crit should be the 2nd most stacked after vers, but its gutted, making arms feel terrible.

These balance changes seem like they shouldā€™ve happened in S1 before the crit nerfs in S2.

r3 primalist gem and waking stats over sustained str because stamina doesnā€™t do damage.

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I loved stacking mastery in wrath.

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I would not call it ā€œreworkedā€ at the start of DF. Functionally it was almost the exact same as SLands but is able to take way more in the talent trees. It definitely has not undergone a rework in the way ret or spriest did.

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Damage increased. Warriors still complain.

It was arp then crit.

Arms scaled poorly with main stat til wod

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My name mud donā€™t just buff woyers, buff woyers the way I want them to be buffed.

buff voyeurs?

Honest question. Are arms warriors able to touch Arcane at all?