Most Delusional Type Of Players

I can Hex people from 3’ while they have me targeted and they just let it happen. Insane.

Like the ones where as soon as you join Discord it is just constant blabbering about strategy/theory crafting and how everyone almost got HotH and blah blah blah and then the game starts and no one talks at all and then you lose.

Then one guy leaves and every talks about how he was the reason you lost because (insert asinine reason) and we can now all feel comfortable that the 9 of us left in this team are all really good and we will win the next game.


This SENT me


I don’t even know how to describe it, to be honest, it’s always just such a plethora of things. It’s probably not as bad as I think it is, and more to do with me just getting a little too old to be jumping into random Discords and dealing with whatever personalities I’ll be exposed to. lol

But yeah, a night of RBGs really makes me appreciate my fellow boomer btags. Maybe I’ll be able to get an ‘old guy’ group together someday where we can do RBGs free from all the drama.

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Literally this.

Folks that complain about SL Warriors, Ret Paladins, WW or Boomkin yet post from a Rogue or Mage.

RBG groups are just like raid groups. The leader ALWAYS has his under geared and god awful wife/girlfriend in the group, and is awful himself.

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Funny thing, my buddy that leads our RBGs has a temper. Pretty bad one, but not like over the top. He refuses to say anything negative to women lol. We had a tank not even pick up the flag once (and she thought she had it) and go back across TP empty handed. He just said, “That’s alright, it happens.”. It would be WWIII if a guy did that.

Love playing with him, always fun.

Sounds about right. I forgot that aspect, the Chernobyl style melt-down when mistakes are made. Meanwhile, is playing a low-dependency DPS.

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I’ve seen this so many times. Lol Or the guy that plays multiple Boomkins, and nothing else, ego out because he pads meters to look good, but really never did anything specifically useful.


I feel attacked.

unless you multi class at higher ratings you’re prob not as good as you think you are. and if you only play healer and dont play dps, same concept.