Most cute names you've seen?

I love Grumbles. His name is so perfect for a cookie gnome.

I do miss “Doodle Gnome” though. I don’t recall their toons name but they were a gnome that would make little doodle requests for people on the forums. I still have mine


I like Shamazing that’s pretty clever.

I named mine Shayme … yep, very original name I picked. :roll_eyes:

Grumbles is definitely the most wholesome thing about this forum.


I feel kinda bad because I remember being like. Mega cynical when I saw their posts at first ages ago. I thought they were trying to be annoying. My stupid brain tends to have negative first impressions a lot. Working on it.

But once I realized he was just genuinely nice that cynicism vanished

I knew Grumbles was too good for this sinful forum as soon as I saw him for the first time.

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I guess I’m just too used to people faking the whole super nice thing for toxic purposes.

It’s a work in progress to try and get my brain to cut that crap out




My name is the cutest!

And if anyone disagrees I will bite them! Grrrr!!!

That might earn you a punt though.

My 4 year old named this character. I have no idea what the inspiration was, or how he even knew the word, but I like it!

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Mmmm, crabs.

I have a pink haired gnome mage named Patesserie for a RP realm who hands out free pastries

Either a Tauren I saw named Tinkietoes or a Gnome named Yumtumdum.

This is the very first toon I rolled way back in Vanilla

Come to think of it, you could probably get some good names from that episode of WarHams where they have to deal with the Ratlings. :thinking:

hi there ignore my gnome gas

I’m biased because I chose these names, but I love the many vulpera names I pick for my characters with EE as I and H at the end, like this character’s name, Meezah.

I think they’re so fitting for vulpera and they sound so cute.

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Appplebear would be my call. Helps that she is a sweet lady

Rollypollie is my WW think its a cute name.


I think you have a great vulpera name.

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Thank you, yours is cute too :slight_smile:

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