<Morning Mayhem> 1/10M Afternoon Team LFM

Morning Mayhem (Alliance Stormrage) Is a Heroic driven AOTC raid guild of 7+ years. We build our members from within and work together to down new content. We have 2 different raid teams and times. Community based with lots of discord action and Mythic + running. Once we get heroic on farm, we would like to push mythic, however we are by no means a Cutting Edge Guild. Consistency is key!
Raid times:
• 1) 9:15am-Noon W/Th (Eastern/Server time)
• 2) 2pm-4pm W/Th EST

Am team currently full and not taking new members
Afternoon team is looking primarly for a few solid dps to push some mythics and into the next tier. Pref given to DKs and Rouges.

Contact: YV at yvenles#1187 BTAG or Yv#1741 Discord for more info.


Good morning still looking for people, also can be reached in game at Yvmage on stormrage.

Am and afternoon raids today. Still looking for people.

The AM time works so perfectly for me as a Night worker, however I’m not on server and just returning after a long break and need to catch up on alot of things. If you’d like to see what can be worked out, I can be reached at NightShade#12835. I’m an Ex Heroic WoTLK 25 Man and Heroic Cata 25Man Raider experience wise.

Need dps for both teams. Maybe a tank for afternoon team

Still need more for am and afernoon team

Have a couple active slots still available for afternoon team to push mythics.

still need some dps and maybe a healer for afternoon team

hello are you recruiting healers ? and do you need holy priest ?

Still need potential healz and dps for afternoon team for mythics

Hawtshotz hit me up on bnet if ur still looking

still looking for dps and possibly a healer for both teams

Still looking for solid core spots for both teams. DPS especially needed for both teams

Bump up tp the top!

I may have some folks to point your way. - Posting this so I can find you again :slight_smile:

I added you on discord. :smiley:

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^ This guy is a great guy :smiley:

^^ They’re all really great guys/gals :slight_smile:

Still looking always taking people wanting to be a part of a great group. Open spots in both raids.

Happy Black Friday, still looking for committed people for both teams