<Morning Mayhem> 1/10M Afternoon Team LFM

Hi! I recently renewed my NA account have not played at all this expansion. (really have not played much since wraith) Have been played classic on EU with my old pirate server guild. I am interested in trying retail out but not interested in mythic raids. Interested in using my 120 boost on a rogue. Any room?

I moved to central Europe, but still have my account on the US servers since there is no way to migrate my progress to the european realms.
I played wow from vanilla up until roughly the release of MOP and then decided to quit. Now, over 6 years later I picked the game back up and am enjoying the whole experience (even leveling is fun again).
The only problem is that I can’t find a guild or community playing anywhere near the hours that I am online.
I am online almost every evening from
21:30-24:00 CET which equates to
12:30-15:00 PST or
15:30-18:00 EST
In the event that a raider is actually needed I can push my online time later than midnight, but not extensively. (And would have to get raid ready before that)
Right now my main focus is leveling, catching up gear level, doing achievments, but mostly finding a guild that I can enjoy the game with.

My main was/is a guardian druid, but have raided on everything successfully except as a healer.

Please message me @Tired#1664

Tiredbear I sent you a friend request :slight_smile: Still looking for more dps. Need tank and possibly a healer for afternoon

Still need a potential tank for afternoon team.

Looking for more for nyalothia

Are you still recruiting for the 2p - 4p afternoon group? If so, what roles? I primarily play healers but would be flexible. Your times work great with my schedule.

I’ve added you on Discord (Sombix).

Are you still looking for DPS for the afternoon raid team?


Could I get what roles&classes you need for both of the raid teams?

Myself and possibly some friends are interested in these time slots.

Thank you!

Still recruiting need 1 tank for the afternoon group and dps for both teams. If you have not got in touch with me please try again! looking forward to hearing from you

Still need more for nyalotha progression 8/12h

still looking message me

I would say to recruits, as I said to those who have joined this Guild: We have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. If that sounds like a raid team you would be interested in. Message Contact: yvenles#1187 (bnet) or Yv#1741 (discord)

to the top for tanks for afternoon group

Still need a tank for the afternoon group

to the top for a tank, maybe a healer or melee dps for afternoon group

bump for more people for am team

need more people for progression in all groups

up for more people

still looking for a few good raiders

need more people! Afternoon team needs a few consistant mythic ready dps and other teams looking for all spots.