More summonable demons... one day... maybe?

Yeah, man. Hunters can tame nearly anything these days. Beasts, large beasts, dinosaurs, spectral beasts, mechanical beasts, technically demon beasts (like argus goats), now undead beasts too! Blizzard does everything they can to ensure hunters get new and exciting things to collect each expansion (often each major patch…) but they struggle to give us a single glyph once every few years.

I don’t mean to sound entitled or anything but it’s stuff like this that makes us continue believing blizz hates warlocks

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We can at least reach 1726k hp on our demons in Torghast, so we have that going for us. Its possible they don’t pay too much attention to warlocks, which can in theory allow for some things to slip past.

One idea I saw I liked was the idea of buying a soul stone like object and going out and collecting the soul of the demon by using the soul stone item on the demon and than going back to the demon trainer and placing it into a socket. It would work nice if they set it up for certain demons to be used in certain spots. It always weirded me out that dispite being strong casters of demonic powers some of the best choices were to summon a imp and only one imp into a fight. Instead of summoning a replacement for the imp like a doomguard, overfiend, eradar or any other kind of demon to replace it that was known for using magic.