More moonkin options

Is it just me or has moonkin (other than the visual update) been left in the dust for like years? Give us some customization options for boomkins blizz please!


Stars option wasn’t even added into barbershop like other old glyphs with the customization move. I’d love to see it added there instead, as well as more new options.

I want A quest to add a moonkin skin (white moonkin) and some color options to current like we have with all other forms

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New variation for the Glyph of Stars could be something like this:

which ACTUALLY looks like a proper Balance-elune-stars form rather than… a ghost.


man, i wish they would introduce a new variant of of glyph of stars, except, we retain our gear’s colors but only have star’ish aura around us. Similar to celestial observer’s ensemble but more defined and druid’ish.

I would play my balance druid alt so much more if her glyph of stars looked like that! Honestly though, I’d just be happy to see the appearance updated and added to the barber shop.