More maintenance?

You forgot soap
The mats to make 1 shower are 5 water, 2 soap. The optional crafting reagents are just 2 towels. You can get by on 1 or even none depending on what zone you’re in when you craft.

Maintenance this quick means something could not wait until next week.

I bet there was a code error in last patch that caused some obscure armor item to make its wearer completely invincible to dmg, and the player who discovered this ran around pwning everything while yelling “I’m superman! hahaha” and someone turned him in.

dont poop either

I found a leaked video of this World of Warcraft 2. It requires 256 MG of RAM. Hope you saved up for that. IT’S INTENSE!!

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Yes. This. Exactly this.

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go to work? take a nap? play a different blizzard game?

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Or play Hardcore, classic isn’t down.

they either do it and we complain.
or they dont do and and the game is crap and we complain.

either way, its complaints lol

Everyone make a lvl 1 hardcore horde and rush an alliance town.

Saw it yesterday around 6pm est.


While we wait…

/turns on Youtube

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Indeed, and my jaw still aches from the last one.

is this true?

Me by my computer waiting for wow to come back


Hmmm recently i don’t see any posts at forum-server status channel…

Servers are up

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It’s so away!

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: