They just added a new LGBT xmog to the game. You have to buy a 6-month subscription to get it though.
Good. So we know who to kick…
Sick of this trash being shoved in our faces. Who cares if you’re gay! Nobody. Only you.
AS an open BI-sexual person. I DO NOT need companies to pander to me. Live your life. They already have representation. I hate companies that PANDER to groups of people. like they CARE. its all about money.
or $20 USD.
Exactly. I would love Rainbow armour cause I like Rainbows.
And honestly when they gave us the hide chest option I made the gayest Transmog ever for me.
I put on a flannel shirt tmogged trousers and tmogges my weapons to a beer mug. I was ecstatic.
and I have a demon hunter who identifies as gender fluid and trans masculine and I just randomly change his model from Male belf to female belf whenever I feel like it.
But I like to think Azeroth much like Etheria and other mythical places like Eorzea doesn’t hold prejudice on same gender romance.
We know there’s both racism and speciesism but I like to think that homophobia doesn’t exist in Azeroth.
I am grateful that when explaining my characters(who are almost all women and w4w) I haven’t had anyone in game be publicly negative.
I know it’s out there in the player base and I have faced some personally but it’s nice nobody has attacked me for having gay elves. If I need to escape from the Dystopian nightmare of 2020 I come to Azeroth and blare some songhammer.
I think rainbow tabard is good, we can all wear it if there’s pride event ingame.