More LGBT content please

What I understand from your post is that you dont mind if two straight people kiss or show affection but if two lgbt people kiss or show affection you get grossed out and feel the need to tell them to stop or look at them differently? That’s pitiful.

That’s like saying “I dont mind lgbt people as long as they don’t hit on me”. Thats narcissistic and homophobic.

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Most in game NPC’s up to this point have been having on screen heterosexual sex in front of us while giving out quests.

Some people just want to see others have a chance.

How on Earth is that narcissistic? I imagine most people don’t enjoy being hit on by people they’re not attracted to.

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Our game so you mean you want good stories and meaningful content above all else .

I would venture a guess that this quest was the first time you have ever said that to yourself: “I hated the campaign and wish I could have skipped it.” Name one other quest where there was a straight relationship represented where you said the same thing to yourself solely because of the relationship in the quest. After all, it’s not about it being gay but only because you want to “keep romance out of WoW. I don’t care what gender it is.” We’ll wait for your example.

I know you didn’t ask me but I’m pretty sure the Thrall and Aggra wedding was universally despised. Or at the very least, I don’t see players talking about how great it was (because it wasn’t.)


It shows that they’re narcissistic (can only view lgbt as an accessory of their own dating/flirting lives and not as our own separate people with our own needs and desires) and probably have some misogynistic, problematic dating tendencies (i.e. they probably worry so much because they come on to others in gross ways and assume all men/women are like that so they worry about others acting the same way towards them. Straight people who actually treat others with decency and respect don’t fear decency and respect from other people)

Tyrande x Malfurion comes to mind. It makes me cringe every time it comes up.

Specifically the quest where we’re chasing after Malfurion after he’s kidnapped by Xavian. My face was cringing so hard it wanted to implode upon itself.


No more LGTBQSS+ untill we get ducks.


Reason why SOME people have disgust to two men kissing is, because its been pre-programmed in their brains by older generations that its somehow “wrong”. If you are exposed to two men kissing long enough (as you claim to be), you would eventually see it as normal and don’t bat an eye when someone mentions it.

You are free to think and feel how you want, but when you start with the LGBT equivalent of “im not racist, but…” then i have to call you out.

Also, OP, 10/7 for the bait.


You’re making a lot of assumptions in that post, and you know what they say about assuming things…

Regardless, not wanting to be hit on by the same sex does not make one narcissistic. It means you have a sexual preference that does not involve them. I’ve been hit on by other women and while it’s not some horribly offensive and earth shattering event, it does tend to make things a bit awkward and uncomfortable for a little while.

Not as awkward as the fact that there are so many foul mounts/pets but no ducks.

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Sh*t a duck mount would be awesome!



Finally someone in this thread with all their marbles.

Yes that’s exactly what I said.

Ducks shall be the bridge that crosses the great divide of differing ideologies.

Regardless of religion, political leaning or creed, we can all agree…

Duck is love. Duck is life.

Why do people do that? It’s so easy to cross reference characters :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m a gay man and I’ve never understood the obsession with including LGBT into entertainment. Sure it’s nice to have a queer character here and there but we’re a minority, queer characters are not to be present in every piece of media.

Put it another way: We’re a pink Butterfree among dozens of purple ones.

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I didn’t say I’m alright with it. I just said I don’t hate gay people. It’s not a “I’m not racist, but…” statement at all.

I don’t like seeing homosexual behaviors. I’m not hiding behind anything. I’ve said exactly what I think.

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

They brought Butterfree back?

Now I’m going to have to binge Pokemon again. Homeboy Butterfree is back! :joy: