More LGBT content please

All kinds of ducks are welcomed in my eyes.

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Get this man or woman a beer!

Ill pass I just want a duck in WoW.

Reading comprehension is your friend. I literally acknowledged in my post that straight relationships are more numerous. Does seeing through hate-filled eyes obscure your reading ability or something? So, of every point I made in the post, that is your response? To point out something I already accept as fact. Got it.

I’m glad to see this thread getting the much needed attention it deserves. Hopefully Blizzard will be more attentive to the ideas that we LGBTQIAAP+ want inside our game.

More importantly, how desperately wow needs ducks.


Nice strawman. I pointed out that creating content to BE lgbt content would be pandering, and like in many movies and television shows, it is a distraction to the immersion. Also, the entire lgbt spectrum makes up an estimated 4% of the population. “Representative” inclusion would be about 4% then.

I think you have flown the coup. Lost your Quackers. However, I know a good psychologist who can help you with that. He’ll send you his bill.

Ok, I’ll show myself out now… :boot:

I think you made some of those letters up. That cannot be an actual acronym.

We should have more friendship content tbh bcuz the community is toxic and we need to add more friendship stuff ok


I’m sorry but that was very… QUACK.

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  1. They should aim to add diversity to the game as long as it adheres to the fantasy/story context. But that is not what we are talking about here. There are already a bunch of quests in WoW over the years where you have to go look for someone’s wife or husband, etc. So, going forward, making some of those story arcs gay or lesbian somehow means EVERY SINGLE DIFFERENCE all over the world must now be added to the game? Surface, uncritical, straw man argument. It’s absurd.

  2. So, if a developer plans to add a relationship story arc to the game and she/he decides to make them a gay couple rather than a straight couple, this will somehow sap extra time and resources from other content development? You bigots always fall back on the same old tried and true tactics…fear mongering. Why would changing a planned story arc about a relationship to include two men or two women “take dev’s team time and resources away” from anything? You simply make them two men or two women. Geesh…what is wrong with you?

(Brief Aside: I assumed from the alert message i got about being a new user that i couldn’t reply anymore period, but i guess that was just within a certain timeframe, since its letting me do so now)

For the record, in case you missed my replies to others, I’m a cis-het ace guy married to an ace woman. Some people consider ace as being part of queer but I don’t know that I do, so I wouldn’t say this is about representing me. But I digress again.

You keep using that word. Politics. Political move. What exactly do you mean by that, and what makes it a bad thing?

Refusing to represent a real-world population in a fictional one, even in a fantasy way (like, say, in a specific kind of order of druids or something) is just as much, if not more of a political move.

I dont understand why the topic is being derailed. Don’t you guys want ducks too?



As soon as I came across this quest I hated the campaign and wish I could have skipped it. This LGBT stuff isn’t happening organically, it’s being force fed and because of that I can’t stand it when it randomly pops up in things. IMO, keep romance out of WoW. I don’t care what gender it is.

I’m always down for strong friendships that I can at least headcannon as being ace. Asexuality has the unique visibility problem of only standing out in media contains physical affection, which WoW doesn’t. But being ace never came with discrimination, so its fine.

How about strong mallards capable of mounted flight?

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Imagine riding this beauty into battle.


It was not a strawman. In fact, in your response you simply repeated your original argument. Your issue is a problem of assumptions. You assume that LGBTQ+ representation is so outside of the norm, and maybe it is in your world - who knows, I don’t know you - but you assume it is so outside of the norm that its mere representation in the game, a game that already has relationships in it, would break immersion. In other words, you assume it would be immersion breaking in and of itself, simply because it is so “other” to you. To most of us, it would just represent reality.

Second, for people who like to cry “NO QUOTAS!” whenever a minority group wants a seat at the societal table, you sure are quick to use the concept when it suits you. So which is it? On the one hand you guys like to argue that LGBTQ+ people shouldn’t be included in the game just because we exist in society at x percentage because it would “break immersion” or it would somehow be inconsistent with the “fantasy universe.” Then, when you lose that argument you turn around and say okay, seeing you only make up 4% of the population, your quota of representation in the game should only be 4%. Sigh.

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Brinagosa’s response to your post says it better than I ever could, so you might want to read it slowly.

But, I will add this: You and others like to bring up that this is self validation. So, your assumption is that I need validation for simply being who I am? I have never been anybody else, it has never been a choice for me. You bringing up the validation argument shows us all that you assume someone like me would need validation. Why? I am a good person with a wonderful life…and I happen to be gay. Why would enjoying seeing my relationships represented like anyone else’s serve as some grand validation of my life? Unless you assume my life/who I am to be terrible. Ahhhh…now we are getting to the crux of it.