Raises Hand
Yes, like we had a patch for the selfie camera, we need one for a new toy that acts as a hairdresser. Complete with scenario to befriend this npc who knows a thousand new ways to style our hair.
i aim to please.
In the end this game is a world of clones because we can’t actually customize the shape of our characters.
People have been asking for better customization for years. I think sadly it isn’t something we’re ever bound to see. They seem to think giving us allied races is the same as character customization for core races.
id like to so that hairstyle but not bald, if there is on thing the NE’s are missing, its a long flowing ponytail. The Kultiran fems are getting the works with all their hairstyles… everyone else get back inline though… >.<
Nah, the five we have for Nightbore is way more than enough. /sarcasm
YES. SWTOR does it sooo why is it so difficult for WoW? I continuously want to roll a NElf but I cannot get past my hang ups on their ‘customization’. The only hair I like is the braid!
Necro thread!
Arahs has major necro powers muahaha!
But they definitely listened!
Disappointed that the Allied races won’t be receiving additional hairstyles. The LF Draenei and nightborne have such little customization.
Also can the allied races and their core counterpart share hairstyles? Please?
You don’t need to go through the Lightforge trial to get this haircut I have. And I want it on my regular draeni shaman.
Or an impalement scar for when you went against the lich king.