Huh, well yeah, yes it does. Kalimdor Horde fans see Sylvanas fans as overtly obsessive while Sylvanas fans see Kalimdor Horde fans as conservative to a fault.
And vice versa. I could care less about what Sylvanas does on her own time, but i most certainly don’t need her to tell me how this Horde is worth fighting for when she’s running around disrepecting the more traditionalist members of the Horde.(like mocking Saurfang’s dead son or descrating dead Horde soldiers.)
Thankfully enough, he eventualy did after finally seeing how well a non-Orc can unite the Horde in a state of unrest. But to be fair, any Orc would be unsure about appointing a non-orc warchief for the for time in history, since they are such a traditionalist race breaking tradition probably would be a big step out of their comfort zone. Similarly to how none of the elves accepted Nathanos as the first human ranger lord of the elves.
I think this comparison makes Sylvanas seem the better leader.
When Sylvanas encountered any opposition to Nathanos being a Ranger Lord - she backed making him a Ranger Lord anyway. One could say her feelings pushed her to fight for Nathanos - but his skill was there to be tested and he met the standards. Her feelings alone would not matter if he lacked skill.
When Thrall encountered perceived racial bias…he caved and chose Garrosh. Cairne or Voljin would have been better leaders - but he didn’t think his people would accept a non Orc as leader.
I dont think its a big deal. But since you mentioned these 2 events, it does speak to how they dealt with racial issues.
That’s exactly what i mean. It’s hard to just break tradition in both cases if the non-race lacks the ideal traits that are expected. Like you said Nathanos would not have gotten the position if all he had was Sylvanas’s affection. In this case, i think the problem was that Thrall refused to make any non-Orc Warchief unless they proved themselves that they are qualified in some way. Now to be fair, Cairne and Vol’jin were far more qualified to be Warchief than Garrosh. However, it was the fact that they were relatively “unproven” in regards to gaining support from all the races which was the issue.
Must be this nog that might be loosening my toungue.
It really isn’t, it’s just that racial issues within the Horde weren’t really a thing until the prospect of a non-Orc warchief was noted as an option during the Shattering.
But also take note that the Sylvanas we’re using in this scenario is the living version. The one who still posessed a moral compass and who still posessed “living qualities” like compassion and empathy.
Ahh, it’s not allowing me to post on Borgia anymore due to my faction change.
Yea, I agree with ya there, seems like some are spreading that ideology
I think it’s fair to say he’s made some pretty… dumb and bad choices for the Horde. though, we all are imperfect.
This doesn’t exactly solidify anything
I completely agree with this, it’s nice to finally shed some light on the story of the other races of the Horde, maybe we can get a little more Tauren and new race stuff in the coming future:).
I finally found the quote. This is from an AMA with several different WoW developers. I can’t post links, so remove spaces from the address below to see it.
https:// www
The question is near the bottom, from a user named Qayindo. He had two questions, so I’ll just quote the relevant parts. Bolding is mine.