Mop Cmode set recolors

The recolors don’t exist.

The version you are speaking of have no effects as well as some are missing parts.

they’re literally recolors. i own them.

anyway ofc they don’t put the cool effects on those…you literally buy them from a vendor.

enjoy the walmart version and move on :100:

Would like to see some of these recolors either at the trading post, or added to Trial of Style, or both.

Again I have the original version just like you clearly do.

But I understand you are jaded and don’t want your effects to be given to others.

It’s ok my logic stands.

The unique set is the color and by that logic they can add that same set as a different color. The unused tints for the full set effects and all making it another set that isn’t the unique set.

Because what would make that set unique and unobtainable still is the fact that you can’t get that color ever again.

i don’t believe you own any of the CM sets. (evidence: classic andy account) :100:

either way, they don’t want the exact clones on something you can just purchase from a vendor

they even follow that philosophy this season with the effect stones you earn from +20 dungeons…

i don’t think you understand what makes an item desirable or unique. :nerd_face:

Just because I am posting on my dk doesn’t mean anything.

But I see you are sorting to trying to bash me for playing wotlk as well.

so on that you are wrong and point being Legion elite sets and all other elite sets with a pve counterpart show colors are what makes things unique not the effects.

I say they never should have removed them

Unless they wanna do some goony way of “earning” them again by doing each MoP mythic+ on a 15 as they exist

Cuz 15 is basically as hard as they were back than, maybe harder lol

wasn’t bashing you friend…i just don’t believe you own any of them that’s all

but i do think the legion recolors would look nice on you :grimacing:

MoP/WoD CM rewards weren’t removed arbitrarily. Blizzard was very clear from the start that they would only be available during their respective expansions. It wasn’t just 1 “season” either it was literally the whole expansion they were available. They do not need to be brought back. Instead, new and unique sets should be made that EVERYONE can enjoy :blush:

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Yet they’ve never made recolors & honestly probably never will make sets as good as these again (who knows?) I got the lock set in MoP & im fine wit the sets being gone, but recolors I’m totally down for.