MoP 2.0: Patch 8.3.0: Escalation Boogaloo

This is an idea that I in no way expect to happen.
(Everything I have ever predicted has not happened, thus “logically” anything I predict to happen won’t happen. That’s how logic works, right?)

But since BfA has been pretty much on track on being MoP 2.0 very consistently, I’d like to throw out this “speculation” idea (Making up random stuff without any basis is how speculation works, yes?):

The biggest complaint I had for Patch 5.3.0: Escalation that brought us the temporary Battlefield: Barrens was that it was entirely Horde based, particularly when the Horde had been attacking the Night Elves since Cataclysm and we were not getting any involvement in taking the fight back to the Horde to continue the storylines we had leveling up on Kalimdor.
(Besides robot cat, but we’ll already getting our robot cat moment when we spy on Baine’s arrest, though it’s too bad we don’t get to do it in a Sabertron model).

That is to say, during 5.3.0 I was wondering why we weren’t getting Battlefield: Ashenvale on the Alliance side to head towards the back gate while the Horde helped Vol’jin in preparing to attack the front gate.

So I propose exactly that for 8.3.0: Battlefield: Ashenvale, since Ashenvale is in due need of an update (please get rid of the Ashenvale Thunder Peak volcano already). This makes an obvious continuation to the Darkshore Warfront storyline, since Ion said the Night Elves were preparing to get in striking distance of Orgrimmar, and Malfurion did send the message meant to tell Sylvanas that we are coming.

On top of that, if we are really going to see an end to the faction war after BfA, how better than to pre-emptively have the motivational whiplash take place in having the Horde side with the Night Elves to attack Sylvanas’ forces as a gesture of a working to overthrow her to make up for the War of the Thorns and burning Teldrassil and working for Sylvanas at the Darkshore Warfront.
(Horde already worked with both Malfurion and Tyrande at Mount Hyjal and/or Val’sharah respectiv even after attacking the Night Elves in Cataclysm, so precedence for them forgiving and forgetting. Bet they’ll even let the Horde keep the Azshara area again).

For the Horde players making the “choices” of siding with Sylvanas, could even have Sylvanas tell them to play along in Ashenvale as a distraction, since she herself obviously won’t be in Orgrimmar at all, what with her actual goal to attack Stormwind and all.
(If you take this thread seriously, I don’t know how to help you.)

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Well, you took the effort to type this so i guess its worth a reply nonetheless

See, i prefer the next two warfronts be in the barrens and… say, Quelthalas. But for one simple reason:

-So that the horde can win them.

Now, i know what you’re gonna say but hear me out. We won the first 2 fronts, if the horde wins the last ones we get to keep the nelves forests and that sweet, sweet remastered Stromgarde baby


Reminds me of The Shining.

Never saw the movie nor read the book. Did i accidentally made a reference?


I actually agree with you. I think it would be good for the Horde to get to defend their lands and actually get to feel good for at least some part of this expansion. Though, at the same time, we also know the Barrens Warfront was an idea that didn’t get off the drawing board:

    What about the Barrens Warfront speculation?

    Nothing is planned. That was a very early internal prototype, when first beginning development of Battle for Azeroth, which served as a test bed before any of the new areas were created. Most things were taken out and never even made it into Alpha testing, but a few strings remained and were found by datamining.

Looking back on it, the acting in this movie was really bad.