Moonguard needs Horde Now

Bro your server is horrifying why would we go there

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The only loser I see here talking is you. Maybe come back when you can act like an adult. :slight_smile:

You have more achievements than me.


I have yet to find this toxicity, but I’m sorry you experienced that. It indeed is everywhere, not just MG. I however rarely if at all ever run into this behavior.

Because the immersion and livelihood of the realm is nice :). Well the livelihood of the Horde isn’t so much right now but that can change and I’m here to start it off!

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Only thing horrifying about it is if your a horde being attacked by a “Horde” of alliance players wanting to kill you in wm, and trade chat.

Goldshire been empty pass times I been there to go into the Darkmoon faire

It’s active 24/7. However, sometimes it is just inside the Inn that’s active and I wouldn’t recommend going in there lol.

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Just merge WRA into MG call it a day.

WRA alliance is what MG horde looks like.

Have you been watching me bounce around in the Valley of Honor?

I thought for sure you would have seen by the third post that I am Moon Guard Horde.


No just posting from a phone.

All you have to do is mouse over someone’s avatar to see what server they’re on.

:woman_facepalming: I was obviously joking.


It’ll just take some time, but I think eventually Horde RP will move from WRA and to MG, now with xfaction guilds there’s not a huge reason to be on WRA when you could be on a server with a substantial population. Even Horde on WRA is dead.

Toxic how? Give an example.

They went to WrA or alliance mg.

The biggest and most active Horde guild is probably Whip It Good which is focused on PvP. Is that who you mean?

I was going more for “I’m gonna make goofy posts to tease the OP” strat.

I mean, I didn’t imagine I would be taken seriously. I thought I was being too obvious, especially since hoovering your mouse over my avatar gives me away.

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It was obvious to me you weren’t being serious, if that makes you feel better.


Are you sure about this or speaking from a “well it doesn’t happen to me” angle? I can’t imagine you don’t see much of it considering you have a fairly abrasive way of conducting yourself.

Either way, a comedy in three parts.


I would play on RP servers if they didn’t attract sexual degenerates/deviants.

As much as I’d like to roleplay with my characters, seeing some ERP would just destroy it for me.

So, I play on realms where folks are just, normal lol


Are you sure this is a good plan? You look to be in an actual established IC guild. Those tend to want to avoid…

All of that.


I play on Moonguard and this is the absolute truth. Trade chat is constantly full of far left/far right gibberish and degeneracy. Goldshire is basically a safe Haven for furries and the second floor of the Inn should be avoided at all times.


what classifies as dead to u? bc wra has tons of rpers its just not a massive pool like alliance in moonguard but it’s still healthy unlike mg horde which is deader than dead and to my knowledge the inn in org isn’t a brothel so thats a plus lol

the factions are too restrictive for anyone to care so there hasnt been too much cross faction stuff until they open it up more, right now it’s pointless. they could either merge all the rp servers together though.