Moonguard is under THREAT, Read this!

Forcefully picking up my dry cleaning.


I remember the days when level 1 gnome invasions used to happen. Piles and piles of naked gnome bodies bodies right in the center of Ogrimaar.

Or the near-daily Stormwind invasions heading right to the castle to kill King Gary-Stu.

You’re just Chicken Little, calm down, turn off warmode, and go back to spamming the train emote.

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As I read this thread I was thinking, what tf is this?

Then I realized, it really wouldn’t surprise me if some people from WrA did this just from how toxic I’ve seen some RPers become. And the crazy little Gob could be right. Then I realized:

Either if the crazy Gob is right, or wrong; I’ll just be laughing at the outcome anyway. So win-win for me I guess?


Most dedicated PVPers with the penchant for disrupting RP aren’t actual RPers in any case. They flat out don’t have the attention span for it. And even those types, I feel, would need to be dragged kicking and screaming from their OOC idle spots in front of the Tail.

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The part about off realm people being salty is true. At least i am feeling like Moonguard is taking all the good ones. If i was a pvper and came across a group wanting to ruin something, then i might.

So its not farfetched to see it happen here and there. I don’t know of any groups actually doing it because like some have said, they probably aren’t RPers, and i don’t travel those circles.

MG formula works and there isn’t anything the other servers can do to ruin it

Moonguard is eternal.

What the server is laugh at for, has ensured its survival.

A Death Gate opens and a clearly Thalassian Elf steps through, a mixture of noble robes and plated armor. He smiles at the onlookers and begins

“Hello, I am Mordekeiser Frostcleave. It has come to my attention that there appears to be some misinformation spreading, but let me be the first to assure you…”

“There is no PvP in Stormwind-MoonGuard”

“What we -do- have is a small group of, for lack of better term, rebels who are unhappy with the Armistice, and the taxes that come along with it to maintain that peace.”

“The Tax collection portion of the Armistice takes place in the Mage Tower as the constant use of Leylines is a separate issue that must also be addressed. The entire process should take no more than 30-45 minutes.”

“Once again, there is no PvP in Moon Guard Stormwind.”


The only thing Moonguard is under threat from is the flood of edgy ‘Vampyr Slayer’ OCs turning into a flood of edgy dragon poacher OCs in a few months.


That’s a bold way of saying “death knight roleplayers”


I think my favourite thing about this thread is how much it reads like a click bait article.


“11 reasons that Moon Guard is under threat. #4 will shock you!”


Cringe Best Trends Impression: Top TEN reasons moonguard is under threat

  1. Uninspired bait threads

  2. See above

  3. See above

  4. See above

  5. See above

  6. See above

  7. See above

  8. See above

  9. See above

  10. See above


Might be plaid…

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Or octarine.


Moonguard? Under a threat? The only threat we are under is murlocs swarming all over Elywnn Forest.


Swarming? Is that what they’re calling it these days?

As a EDer and Wyrmrester, I can neither confirm or deny this.


dunno, horde raided a wedding the other day. Of course, they whooped the Horde asses, but still.

They’ve gone to plaid!!!


Wow this sounds like a real problem. If only there was a way to…opt out of PvP.


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