Moonguard is the best server in wow

I dunno… I was in a lowby BG with a Moonguardian premade not too long ago. They were not very nice at all. Heck one of them sat on me repeatedly after I died. I haven’t seen that in years.


I just made a class trial last night to check out some of the spots, GS was one of them. I was shocked to see how many people were there. I stayed in the GS area for about 10 minutes, saw a few people talking in /s chat, nothing out of the ordinary, normal conversations, typical bickering, etc. Very tame compared to some of the stories I’ve heard from years ago.

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I’ll agree. I made Moon Guard my main ally server a while ago because I love how active it always feels. It’s the last bastion of this game feeling like an open world MMO, lol.


Posts like these are what makes moongaurd not great with all the sharding.


Sharding is something Blizz turns on themselves with RP servers. Like they did back in the Diablo event…the horrors of an empty Stormwind…the clusterF of Darkshire…if Blizzard never does another event like that again, it will be too soon.

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My understanding is there is no Goldshire in Moonguard - it’s simply a quarantine zone by the Stormwind Government. By order of King Anduin Wrynn, no one shall venture forth to Goldshire - doing so incurs a penalty of not more than life sentence in the Stormwind Stockade.

In fact, people for years have been asking what’s going on there, but no one truly seems to know.

I personally think it’s Space Goats.


If you mean the problem is not enough space goats, I agree


Space goat coast to coast!


That you’ll tell us about… :wink:


My buddy used to pay his wow subs RPing on Moonguard… until the token price went past 200k


It really is. I am not a roleplayer but have moved all my characters to MG over the years. There is just something about moonguard that enhances my playing. Just a lot of extra flavor added to the game by the players there that make it really magical.


I don’t RP either but I still like being here. For the most part, it’s really nice people.

I don’t care if they’re weird.


I’ve never had any issue here. There’s always a nice RP crowd and lots to do.


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I just logged in and there was almost zero people in stormwind and goldshire was empty outside. had a few people in the inn though.

i would hardly say “active” lol

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You say that like it’s a bad thing.

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Been on Moon Guard going on 10 years now, and OP is right that it’s mostly people from other realms that make lvl 1 toons to hang out in Goldshire. Every now and then I pop into the inn there when DMF is active because I forget to get Moonberry Juice or something else for DMF, and it’s VERY rare to see someone in Goldshire who is from MG in there. It’s FULL of people from other servers there. And not all conversations I observe there are ERP and smut related.

Out of all the servers I belong to (7 of them), MG and WrA are my favorites and most active with relatively NORMAL conversations in Trade Chat (not just services and raid boost advertising)! I’m surprised Proudmoore isn’t an RP realm, as tradechat there closely matches the same activity as MG and WrA. Stormrage isn’t bad at all, just depends on the time of day for activity in trade chat (usually after work hours). While I didn’t start my original toons on MG, I do call Moon Guard “home” for the last 10 years.


I liked MG, it’s nice.


When people asked me why people play on RP servers / Moon Guard, I would give the basic run down you gave - BUT, I uh actually never really played on MG. I felt like an imposter >.< haha - so, I made a Druid on MG over the weekend actually and have been rather enjoying it!

I’ll probably slowly get that toon up over time and maybe eventually explore the more in-depth side of an RP server down the line, but yeah, OP’s post checks out.


Huh. It’s almost like it was just reset time and people are getting vaults/at work. I know, crazy right? Stormwind from noon till about Midnight is packed with people.


Moon Guard is best server!!