Moonguard is pretty much the only alliance server

It varies from person to person.

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They came in here specifically to snatk about the community like others do and an example of their disdain for the server was given. Why is it okay for people to make snide comments about the entire server? Some of us are tired of this crap.

I mean like I said

All Zan did was answer the OP on topic


Guys it’s a video game server. It’s really not that big of a deal to make jokes about them.


They were bickering with each other in a previous thread that may have been deleted-- the entire discussion was unwarranted but here we are, no one has clean hands, except for me, I’m just people watching :popcorn:

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Guys why are we fighting.


Louve coming in hot ready to fight to the death for a video game server. Chilllllll lmao

Like I said, you’re still defending them.

It’s amazing, someone can diss an entire community, and you’ll run off to find evidence of people in that community telling off people clearly trolling because

What, is Zandrae your alt or something?

I think your OP is fine, I just think the people who dislike the OP are also fine to do so.

I really have no comment one way or the other besides my original comment

As I think thats the best one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Ask not questions, but empty your mug, pick a target and have at them.

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I know right I’m just making a joke about moonguard being active in arguably the worst expansion for roleplayers. Feel bad for all my death knight roleplayers

you are correct, avoid goldshire :slight_smile:

It’s also a large community of people that constantly get trashed by others who know nothing about it except one memed on town.

You’re not trashing a server. You’re trashing a community of people. (Generic you, not you personally.) And it gets old. The community is large and one of the last thriving RP communities. Sorry that I’m tired of seeing them get flak all the time.


Lol I have a funny story someone tried kicking me once for being on moonguard. I was also new at the time and had no idea about moonguard infamy. One person had to explain to me about my server reputation

WoW players thinking they’re hot stuff when they play the worst MMO on the market, pay for it, and then think they’re good even though it’s the most casual game out there. Really, just a bunch of degenerate nerds to laugh at /s

Oh you don’t like that I said that? Chill bro- it’s a video game.

The perfect moment to play your Uno reverse card and ask them how they know so much about it.

That happens from time to time. Some people do it because they’re disgusted by Goldshire. Some do it because they have this weird notion that RPers just walk through dungeons to RP. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Damn that would of been a good comeback I now have regret.

Moon Guard people: “bleh. Wyrmrest Accord folks are awful. They are toxic.”

Wyrmrest Accord people: “bleh. MoonGuard folks are awful. They are nasty ERPers.”

Emerald Dream/Silver Hand/Argent Dawn people:

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We talking about argent dawn EU?