[Monk/WW] Helpless & Abandoned | Feedback+Rant

Adding my two cents here for visibility. My main spec is MW, and I don’t play WW much outside of questing and visions. But I can tell you that the monk community is severely disappointed by the promises made that were not followed through. Mistweavers are disappointed that you’ve given us strong tools multiple times throughout the alpha/beta cycle, only to take them away when our community embraces them. Windwalkers have consistently had their class fantasy destroyed to become a melee summoner spec. Brewmasters have been simplified to the point where they’re going to be brain dead easy to play. We deserve more than this. We deserve to know what you want Monks to be, and we deserve to know where you envision our class going, the same as any other class.

It definitely feels abandoned… Blizz please. Bug fixes to SEF would even be enough for a lot of people


Thankfully unlike DKs we don’t have the same physical gameplay problems regarding the two, our issue is mostly a numerical imbalance between the two.

The problem being that if both of them are practically the same in regards to your abilities baseline, what happens when 1h gets another enchant, another weapon buff (oils/stones/etc), and 2h ends up dipping further behind when autos are involved because the spec has historically had a bit of an issue with that. Which is why we used to have two passives handling it, because the spec wasn’t built with autos in mind, which is something they’ve been pushing more and more for MDPS.

You look at WW, a dual-wielding dps spec on a Maut log (least the one I’m looking at) and they have 88 swings. (497k) - (238k w/ SEF)
The Arms Warrior, 75 swings. (1.71m)
The Enhancement Shaman, 175 swings. (1.21m)
The Havoc Demon Hunter, 177 swings. (1.16m)
The Blood Death Knight, 49 swings. (1.17m)

On it’s own it’s just autos, who really cares about the damage, even if it ends up being lower than typical for a MDPS.

Just imagine what would happen if we cut our swings down using a slower 2h weapon. Sure they do more damage per swing, but considering all the channels you’re going to see less swings than typical for a 2h weapon.

It honestly feels like that having radio silence this close to release.

Programming in a nutshell basically :stuck_out_tongue:


#deleteSEF, bring back TeB despite the fact it kills my dps opener, and buff serenity please! I will be going WW or bust, WW main since Pandaland. Please respond Blizz.


The old TeB was just flat damage after being ramped up, the short-lived bland version that saw face during Legion’s alpha/beta was just a flat 30% damage buff with two charges. Something SEF is basically supposed to be (albeit at 35%) when everything works flawlessly.

It just never works flawlessly.

I believe you’re thinking of the old buff Tiger Palm used to provide, which was 30% armor pen.

Yeah I’m aware of that, it’s in the original post. It’s just not a typical thing that they don’t cast. Unlike the others that they don’t cast and, as a result can lead to problems regarding Mastery and Hit Combo when they do get around to fixing them not casting Tiger Palm.

It is a bit odd that they would even check your Mastery on an individual basis as opposed to just checking whether you did or not. Because for all intents and purposes they just mimic what you do, and if you benefit from Mastery on that cast they should just follow suit as well.

Because that seemingly unnecessary check just causes problems sprung up with having them not copy certain things. Which don’t get me wrong, them not copying Chi Burst is a good thing because nobody wants them shooting a ball of chi out in random uncontrollable directions in dungeons.


I hope Blizzard sees your post, OP. Not holding my breath, though.

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Almost all of the major bugs associated with WW is due to SEF, but even before that please communicate with the monk community, Blizzard.


please just #DeleteSEF /bump


#Delete SEF.

im definitely giving my support to that one.

and like a previous poster has said, WINDwalkers get so little value out of haste its hilarious. we are supposed to be this fast as lighting martial artist brawler who hates haste past 10%. on top of this, a lot of our abilities cancel auto attacks when we use them because of the animations. FOF/SCK/WDP etcs all stop auto attacks during there animations.

with our lack of scaling blizz should be doing things like BOK kick crits double the CDR portion to reduce RSK/FOF faster. hell, add the BOK CDR to whirling dragon punch too. make WDP baseline while your at it. this would add value to crit for windwalkers.

blizz do something with this spec. you lied at the start of the month, its time to actually fix the bugs and actually iterate on this spec for once. we havnt seen a talent tree update for 4 years, and we are about to go another 2 years with no effort put into it.

fix this spec. fix the bugs. make a reason for people to want to bring windwalkers to raid that is just for windwalker. do something.




#DeleteSEF :ok_hand:




I’d rather they just fixed it

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There’s no point in fixing an ability that is beyond broken. Time and resources could be better spent giving us something new and interesting, or old and good like TEB, but every single ability that ever gets added needs to be patched through SEF because it’s THAT broken.

Not worth it, literally bin it.


Personally I would love to see it built in a way that it ceases to become a problem and don’t necessarily condone the outright removal of it if it can be helped.

That said, as sad as it is to say. The whole #DeleteSEF thing is a thing because issues with it keep happening over and over again throughout the 4 years this version has been around. People, and myself included aren’t exactly thrilled about having to deal with all the unnecessary complications with it for another 2.

I’m 100% for it sticking around if it can just… work without having to have a research paper noting all the weird problems you have to play around, or exploit because of duct-tape #21.

I said it before, but it’s just built on a crumbling foundation and instead of rebuilding that foundation, the house is just being duct-taped back together when it falls apart.

At some point it just has to be better to just start over with it.
Make it a multistrike based cooldown to retain some of the flair and move away from this whole make the player do -55% less damage because it’s a cool gimmick. Not to mention when they don’t copy something you go from doing 135% damage to 45% damage. Or when they have issues where you might’ve benefited from Combo Strikes, but they didn’t because of other issues causing you to lose out on mastery on 90% of your damage that you should’ve had it apply to.

At best it’s nothing more than a flat & dull 35% damage cooldown. At worst it hurts the player. Like the gimmick isn’t even all that interesting anymore, it used to have a purpose by letting you spread MoTC at 3x the rate during Legion when that mechanic actually meant anything. Now that mechanic is a thing of the past and with it one of the only good purposes left for that split.

There are lots of avenues it could go that tries to retain the trio of clones theme, without all the problems of the current form.


I would honestly would love for it to go back to the pre-Legion version if they intend to keep it. That version provided a nice way to show skill, and provided a unique raid niche. That semi-ranged melee cleave was a ton of fun.




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