Monks are a cancer, nerf them now!

They were and that goes live tomorrow in the Nov 1st Class changes.

I never said you were undergeared just stating that the more Versa you have the more damage you take if everyone else has same Versa. DF will be a :poop: show. Until we get a real PvP stat for the reasons I listed.

I’m sure some idiot will say soon I have 60% Versa how did I get 1 shot…It’s because someone else also has 60% Versa. :man_facepalming: Stop referring to Versa like it’s a defensive stat for PvP. Just want to break this misguided way of thinking and hope we get a PvP stat again.

For the record, Versa doesn’t become a defensive stat till you reach 102% since you now have 51% dmg reduction and now are gaining exponentially in mitigation. (this is how math works)