Monks are a cancer, nerf them now!

Rich coming from an Affliction Warlock.


Have you ever played a prepatch before? Asking for a friend.

Balance in any prepatch is for the coming expansion, NOT the current.


He has no gear, that’s the problem not the class.

Yeah monks are pretty op…you should see warlocks though!! Oh wait…

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Says dk ams makes you immune to spells for what 8 sec what’s the cd on that cant death coil or dot and with abomb limb pulling u back from port

You really can’t compare Death Knights to Wind Walker Monks or Affliction Warlocks at the moment. Death Knights aren’t killing people in half a stun, and don’t get a shield for their entire health bar every minute.

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Dk is pretty strong, but he is right, Affliction especially is super busted, both in pre-patch and Beta. But for real you should see Demo. Makes affliction look like a baby. They can bubble up and afk while their pets slaughter you. Plus Warlock has Lay on Hands now.

RIGHT?! LMFAO. Lemme just Dispel UA real quick and get 1 shot by it. Yea…monks the problem. Also, be sure to specify which spec. Not all specs are broken but WW is busted a bit yes.

Now Afflic locks…oof…they need some nerfs.

Well Monks just got nerfed into the ground. So the OP’s wish is answered. The 25% nerf to enhance is pretty strong as well.

Now they just need to nerf Lock by 50% or so.

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I have 44% vers and I did a bg today and a ww monk deleted me from full hp before leg sweep was finished.

Well cause Versa is a pointless stat in PvP design that causes 1 shots due to being part of the spell modifiers and we now have a bajillion spell modifiers. We need an actual PvP stat like Resil that isn’t part of spell modifiers.

Furthermore Versa is a 2:1 if everyone has 30% Versa then everyone gets 40% Versa you will take more damage at 40% Versa.

If people in DF get 60% Versa there will just be more 1 shots because people now have 60% Versa.

So my only wish is that people would stop referring to Versa as like it’s supposed to do something. That stat is called Resil and we don’t have it. Only way DF PvP will be saved is “IF” they add a PvP stat again.

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But you just said monks were nerfed into the ground. At 303 ilvl with 44% vers that still provides 21% damage reduction. It’s not like I’m undergeared.

They were and that goes live tomorrow in the Nov 1st Class changes.

I never said you were undergeared just stating that the more Versa you have the more damage you take if everyone else has same Versa. DF will be a :poop: show. Until we get a real PvP stat for the reasons I listed.

I’m sure some idiot will say soon I have 60% Versa how did I get 1 shot…It’s because someone else also has 60% Versa. :man_facepalming: Stop referring to Versa like it’s a defensive stat for PvP. Just want to break this misguided way of thinking and hope we get a PvP stat again.

For the record, Versa doesn’t become a defensive stat till you reach 102% since you now have 51% dmg reduction and now are gaining exponentially in mitigation. (this is how math works)

How can you say that though. I’ve had that same gear all of season 4 and never experienced the one shot like I did today. Having 21% damage reduction is still damage reduction regardless of how much versatility increases in the future and the affects of it. That same damage reduction I have now and damage increase from that is what all players and myself had last season and now with the same level of gear regardless. You’re talking about future numbers that aren’t even applicable to now or all of last season. What has changed is the fact it’s now prepatch and that is all. Lets just agree to disagree. Thanks for the response though.

How can I explain how math works? It’s fun :wink:

I’m explaining that the more Versa everyone has the more damage you take. So stop referring to Versa as a Defensive stat is all. Stop stating I have 44% Versa like it’s supposed to do something for you to help you survive. Just trying to break this line of thinking because it’s factually and mathematically inaccurate.

Don’t think you are following what I’m saying or talking about the same thing. You aren’t disagreeing with me. Also Monks nerfed tomorrow. However Versa now or in DF won’t save you is the point I’m making. We need to get Versa out of PvP in order to fix 1 shots. As long as we have Versa PvP will never be balanced.

Yep, looks like i was right. They got hit hard. Good.

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Lol ! <3 <3

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Please refrain from using the word “cancer”. It’s not. It’s only a game.

You have some serious life problems to take care of…

Should probably handle that before playing a video game.

Those who are playing warlocks, glaive toss legenday dh, or windwalker in prepatch are terrible people irl.