i’ve been wondering about that, but it definitely was not popular to at all the extent it apparently is now. everybody was using chi torpedo in the latter 2 wod seasons, and every member of that everybody I ever spoke to jumped to hit them on stationary targets. the only way you could insta cancel a roll that any of us ever found was hitting a wall
Bro I don’t even have logs for all my kills, nor have I actually raided since post nerf 1, except when I dont have to work 60-70 hours.
Some people stopped working in the pandemic, others had their work loads increased.
Speaking of post nerf 1 (where the majority of my time was spent able to raid)
86.4 average without a single pink
94.6 average with everything purple or higher with several pinks.
Looking at a few of the fights you used the exact same corruption setup for just about every pull, while mine on them other hand are mostly me experimenting with all sorts of combos for the fun of it.
So for me to beat you changing up fight to fight is a bit telling, especially when you consider I don’t even use pots, runes, and you had on just about every pull.
But here is a secret a monk’s parse is directly related to how fast the boss dies in relation to the last ToD explosion, meaning if tod explodes it’s somewhere around 25-30 seconds that the boss has to die by before your dps starts slipping.
So ww getting a good parse is large in part of how fast your group can kill the boss. Meaning if your partner dps isn’t fast enough your dps suffers for it.
Before this season your rating was worst than mine, so what? Also at least I can say my first over 2300 wasnt in bfa :D.
You’re just an inflated bfa ego who thinks something like breaking hit combo in pvp is some big detriment, hell it’s not even that big of a deal in pve and you can go ask the guys that actually do the math for the sims.
But either way I suspect you will go back down to the rival ratings soon enough and I will still reliably go over 2200
BFA glad I work 80 hours a week blahblah veteran monk that hasn’t ever gotten gladiator & I got it in my first szn playing on a class that benefits the least from the corruptions you also have access too but still can’t get elite… like Idk how you can possibly talk sh*t, but its adundantly clear that you’re just mr. forum guy that never actually Q’s. Done wasting my time with inferior players and their opinions so you’re on the ole’ ignore bro. Good luck to you.
You mean something you didnt even do before this season? Dude I clearly see season 3 achs and rival top rating.
It’s ok cupcake I know my skill level and don’t have some inflated ego.
Before the pandemic I worked an average 40, but I work in the Healthcare field my work load increased drastically to keep up with everything.
If you really can’t understand that you aren’t even worth talking to.
Most of my wow play time these days are being able to skim forums on a second monitor while I work, I have missed capping several times, missed even doing my m+ for a week for months now.
You seem to have an over inflated ego and a fragile one at that.
I say this because the whole slap fight we been having started because I contradicted you. Which was funny because then you had r1 come into the thread and agree.
Hell you said ask any top monk and yet murfy there has more experience at glad rating as a WW than you by several times iirc.
What’s really funny is you still won’t duel me because you know you would get walked all over.
ok idk why ppl are flaming each other but this is a terrible change, roll cancel makes the class feel so much smoother and fun. testing it out on the beta and not having it just feels so awful. it’s not about if you hate monks because you got roll canceled leg swept and died, it’s about if it makes the class feel better, and it does make it feel better. why would they intentionally make it feel more awkward. doesnt make sense.
Starts with a little slap fighting in an older thread
This is the same company that gave us our 3rd mastery iteration with our first xpac alone.
And the second change was all because of a single trinket from raid. Changed a class because of a trinket, like that’s wild.
I mean hell look at how awkward bastion ability is gives mastery but promotes wanting us to double cast rsk, it’s very weird.
Look @ the challenger achievement I got in like november when I started playing the game. 8 months to glad vs. your 7 years as a “veteran” without it.
Look man I don’t need to keep discussing any of this with you when literally all of the data tells shows us the reality of the situation. You know what it is too and the fact that you won’t acknowledge it is kinda sad. Not even being a dick man you’re just objectively beat here.
Lot of nerds trying to flex their epeens in this thread because they lack any rl achievement, can we go back to talking about the literal worst change ever in the history of wow and possibly the world?
Actually it doesn’t, you look at surface information and not even bother noticing I have more boss kills than I do logs for pve.
Except I was just over 2280 last season and I didn’t even use tank trinkets.
Than by intrinsic property if I can do without crutches (tank trinkets, corruptions, etc) then in a season were my class gets buffed and probably one of the specs tbat benefits the most from corruption in terms of pvp because of how strong versatility is for us.
Here again is your lack of mechanical knowledge, versatility for us is multiplicative in our dmg where everyone else is only addictive.
This is due to our mastery having the ability to both affect and not, so our class abilities (those that can proc the mastery) has check points during it’s calculations.
Then let’s add that vers ups our healing to the point that currently I can sometimes out heal healers in things like bgs.
My strongest casted heal I seen in arena was about 140k with full procs in early dampening.
After that stack on the defensive portion of vers and you see that we end up triple dipping into vers.
However this all just boils down that you threw down a challenge months ago and then when I stepped up you ghosted out.
I guarantee my understanding of WW spec would allow me to embarrass your fragile little ego, because you don’t seem to be the kind of guy who would take that well, even if just a duel.
But either way you clearly lack human decency if you can’t even understand the inability to have time to log in and play a video game a week, because a global pandemic may have upset daily life to be able to do things like reliably play.
Whelp with that said basically from here out I’ll only link the screenshot of your ignoring the challenge you through down.
DH has the highest rPPM in the game (procs), and therefore actually benefits the most from corruptions and weapon/trinket/essence procs.
Did you ever stop to think that perhaps DH is to easy to play with an incredibly strong toolkit? I do wish you luck in Shadowlands when you get knocked back to the reality other classes have to deal with. (No massive self healing outside of meta, no more passive dodge for doing your rotation, Blur no longer dodges from behind, mobility tied to your new mortal strike talent so you better know when to use it).