That is because Monk lore in this game was created by Samwise Didier who practices Okinawan Karate… And guess what our official lore is based on?
If you said Kung Fu your wrong, the only thing we have Kung Fu is the looks of our buildings and pandaren looks. And that is because China a major market for this game freaked out when the original designs from pandaren wore samurai armour. And demanded they be changed. Per the official creator at blizzard who literally made the monks we play as, we are based on Okinawan Karate.
The very first concept of Pandaren from the 90’s. Before being even playable in wc3 and long before wow.
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Notice the Hakama (pants) Japanese, Notice the Katana also Japanese, Notice the Obi also Japanese. And yes, this is from the man who created the monks we play as.
Let me help you.
History of Okinawa
Conquered in 1609 by main land Japan. Samurai outlawed Okinawa from having weapons of any kind. Okinawa developed hand to hand called Tae or empty hand which Americans call Kara-tae or thanks to pop-culture Karate. Which is hand to hand. Okinawa then revolted but in this real world lost. And to this day is still under Japanese control.
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Now the History of Pandaria
Conquered and enslaved by the main land Mogu. Weapons are outlawed. These pandarien develop a unarmed hand to hand style. They revolt and win.