Monk FC Shennanigans

So I just got out of a BG where a Monk picked up the flag, carried to the roof of the tunnel of the enemy base, and flew across the entire map to land just shy of the entrance of his own base. I’m assuming Flying Serpent Kick, but I feel like there had to be more to it to get that kind of distance. Does anyone have any ideas on what this was?

Glider? Would that cause flag drop?

It would. Wasn’t a glider.

are you talking about Twin Peaks?
I saw something similar, a MW monk did 2x Chi Torpedo then used the dragon wings trinket to fly to the other side of the map

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No, was WSG. I wasn’t aware that the trinket wings would work while carrying flag. That might have been part of it.

FSK + parachute, maybe. I don’t think parachutes drop flag, just gliders. Monks are under the radar FC gods and I feel like more people should be talking about it lol. Transcendence with the flag… ring of peace is bananas on that map too.

Fsk and roll remove slow effects already on, only using one of the abilities and then as soon as you launch dragon trinket.