Molten Vanguard Warrior tier set

Well you just can’t make helmets work with Worgen, Hell only a couple work with Tauren.

There are like two that work with worgen muzzles. But otherwise, yeah, no it’s hard to make them work.

Your ears are test cubes.

Stabby over here talking mess when he got chessboard ear muffs.

Blizzard is indie company.


Most of them can… I actually run pieces of it with earlier Tier sets (even using Tier 4!) for a very snazzy transmog!

Kul Tirans took it to the next level by taking a Dwarf with a beer gut and strapping them to their waist.

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Warrior sets and plate gear tend to look good but I’m underwhelmed with the current tier. The DK set on the other hand looks amazing.

It’s not the best set ever but man it’s not as bad as anyone makes it out to be.

it looks like a

At first glance, mostly because of the name, I thought the dragons in the background were flies just buzzing around the character.


I’m surprised to see it’s not universally derided as the single worst set of armor this game has known. Warrior tier sets in DF have been the bottom of the barrel.

i seen people say its a remake of antorus warrior set. im trying to find it in this set

I like it for the collar and full coverage of all skin. Sucker for stuff like that. Plus it’s on fire, and fire is great.

Prob one of the weakest warrior sets imo. Not a fan. Also, cheers to stabby for ruining the helm for me in game now. Can’t unsee.