Mogu Allied Race Moguthread šŸ˜ƒ

Honestly, I would love to play a female Mogu, I absolutely loved the sisters in ToT back during Mists. This thread gets a :heart: from me and my support.


Right? The female model is incredibly unique and detailed. So far Iā€™ve been able to find only two in the new Vale, Xing the Rajani, and Solux, a general of the Baruk.

Might be more I havenā€™t spotted yet, but the fact that there are a couple out there is exciting news considering the twins back in ToT were said to be the last female mogu in existence.

Could be worse, could be the one horse from Berserk.

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Blizzard please! Rajani Mogu as Pandaren allied race, so they could be neutral and choose their faction. Omg please! Pleeeeeeeease!


Isnā€™t it interesting that we got 3 Quilen mounts in BfA? And now in the final patch we got a friendly clan of mogu that we can get reputation with?



Itā€™s gotta be happening!

pounding on table MO-GU! MO-GU! MO-GU! MO-GU!


Iā€™m sounding like a broken record at this point, but the current story couldnā€™t possibly be any stronger in support for the inclusion of mogu into one or both factions.

Highkeeper Raā€™s fate has opened up a couple of possibilities. Seeing how they show great respect for The Speaker, Magni, Iā€™d at the very least hope that they continue to fulfill their titanic charge by aiding Magni and the rest in Silithus once the Nā€™zoth threat has subsided.

Whatever the case, please just give us the majestic stone lion people!

Bumping this because mogu are absolutely needed as an allied race

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Eager for a mortis thread arenā€™t we.

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If they go Alliance I could see Jaina being involved and transfering the Thunder Kings power into the Rajani leader. She hasnā€™t really used it since getting it back in the raid.

I could see 9.0 allied races being Mogu for Alliance, Gillgoblins for Horde, and a neutral race of dead elves. The Alliance dead elves are Night Elves and the Horde ones are Blood elfs.

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Even though I want to play a mogu but donā€™t like playing Alliance, Alliance should have got mogu instead of slightly paler Draenei with a glowing Opti-Grab.

This is what Iā€™m expecting most. Otherwise I feel that they would go Horde - while the mogu would rather live in grander structures that the Alliance can give, the Horde has more similar ideals for the mogu.

Pandaren from pandaria may find conflict at first but the pandaren from the horde and the alliance arent from pandaria, so they wouldnt inherit their bias.

Also Iā€™m sure pandaria would love to embrace them, they keep trying with saurok even though it always ends in hostility.

I bet they are happier then ever that zandalari opened up to the world because it means they wont try an attack on pandaria again.

I think this would be a perfect final AR for either side, though obviously horde is my preferred choice.

Late to the party butā€¦ letā€™s see some action here. Perfect fit for an allied race and really cool concept.