[mod:shift] into another macro help

I’m sitting here wondering if it’s possible to add [mod:shift] Shield Charge; Charge to
#showtooltip Charge
/cancelaura bladestorm
/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists,nodead]Intervene;Intervene
/cast [target=target,harm,exists,nodead]Charge;Charge

or is that just a pipe dream?

I would think it possible. You just need to know where in the priority list you want it to appear, and need to consider possible fall-back paths.

You could change the last line to read:
/cast [mod:shift] Shield Charge; [target=target,harm,exists,nodead] Charge; Charge

When holding shift, it should give you Shield Charge. If not holding shift, it should follow your existing last line.

First, you’ll want to use this as your starting point (the harm default variant). The way you have things now the targeting priorities are weird.

Get rid of the [mod:alt,@player] HELP_SPELL; condition set because you can’t Intervene yourself.

Then you just slap [mod:shift] Shield Charge; on the front of it.

/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cast [mod:shift] Shield Charge; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] Charge; [@mouseover,help,nodead] [help] Intervene; Charge

If you want to be able to mouseover Shield Charge:

/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cast [mod:shift,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [mod:shift] Shield Charge; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] Charge; [@mouseover,help,nodead] [help] Intervene; Charge

these work perfectly, thank you!