Mobility class tier

Everyone >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DK

Druid should be much higher

How is Hunter above Druid??? Or a rogue for that matter?


I AM serious is Hunter that high?

That’s a pvp talent and a talent. Priest has no baseline movement ability.

No Hunter is not that high. Not even close.

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Why should druid be higher than Hunter?

  1. Hunter has pasive speed
  2. Aspect of the cheetah
  3. Graphling Hook like
  4. Disengage

By far Hunter is one of the most Mobile and compete with monk

This is just wrong. I play a hunter and I play feral.

Druid has a passive speed increase, as well as Travel form, shifting out of roots/snares which is far superior to a hunter’s 45 second CD freedom. Disengage? Wild Charge. Grappling Hook in theory, but you’ll just get blinked away from and slowed/rooted into oblivion. Without constant dispells, you’re much slower.

Druid is up there with monk. 2 sprints on fairly short CDs, travel form wild charge, a kick that brings you to the target, and shifting out of every slow/root.

Hunter has tools, but in practice really isn’t because of the lack of self dispels. It’s decently mobile, but Druids are far, far more. Grappling Hook is only Survival anyway

Also, Druid behind Rogue is just as cringeworthy.


Wait, wait, wait
 where is my grappling hook on my BM and MM build? Reasons why I went Gobo Hunter was to have the extra forward mobility.

Guess it must be a bug, gotta submit an issue BM and MM didnt get Grappling Hook like Dotlady says we have.


I put survival as example. Ranged don’t need that kind of things

And Survival is eternally gimped because it is eternally slowed.

Actually, you never said, or suggested survival. Just claiming hunters. Meaning as a whole all specs have it. So
 where is my grapple on BM and MM?


If what You Say it’s valid then Demon Hunter should be below than druid because it has not tools to break roots

I would put monk tied with DH. Monks can travel further/faster on the ground between all their CDs
just no aerial travel. (though they can fly around on the cloud)

I would move hunter from #3 way further down. It’s really just Aspect of the Cheetah every 3 minutes, and disengage (which most don’t even use for movement) every 20 seconds

I would move DK way up. It’s treated as one of the slow classes. Yet has Death’s Advance every 45 seconds for a 30% increase and Wraith Walk to increase by 70% every minute.

Druid I’d move up to tier 1. Their ability to instantly shift to travel form and fly off makes them over all the best escape artist still.

Warrior I would put below paladin and death knight. 1 Heroic leap every 30-45 seconds is, IMO, worse than 2 speed boosts that the other 2 classes can talent into
and generally do. The 2nd heroic leap is an option, but limited to PvP

I do not consider charge/harpoon/etc to be mobility. Gap closer in combat for sure. Only useful situationally though.

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Have you actually PvP’d or do you just read tooltips???

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Wouldn’t all this be dependant on distance traveled? Warlock gate is faster than anything over 40yds. If it’s 100yds gate + burning rush is super fast. For burst speed no set up, this is probably pretty close. Distance traveled over 2m would be way different.

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Make your list and share it here

DK should be on the bottom of that list
with a table nailed on top of them, with a steel weight on the table and then all that covered in 10 inches of cement. Or at least that’s how it feels.

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  1. Demon Hunter/Monk (Monks are faster but demon hunters have that vertical mobility going for them)

  2. Druids

  3. Shamans

  4. Rogues

  5. Hunters

  6. Warriors

  7. Mages

  8. Death Knights/Paladins

  9. Priests

  10. Warlocks


Not ir You are Fury or protection.

Fury Increase speed when is enraged also remove snares if You talent for it in pvp

I don’t know but I feel I need to work harder chasing a hunter than a boomchicken.

Hunter is harder to hit due slows and mobility