I went 0- 2180 on a shadow priest that I played for one day in one sitting. It’s not really hard in solo shuffle so it’s better you don’t call anyone else brain dead
I mean, it’s not like he’s playing the easiest spec to get 2.4 on… oh… wait. nvm.
Mans is bragging about pushing rating in an equally inflated game mode and says 3k in blitz means nothing
It’s weird. He’s been sitting at 1970 for weeks.
Going on 4 weeks.
To think, this all started because he was accusing people of cheating at 1600 in blitz. Can’t make this stuff up.
Lose 4 in a row lose 75 ratings or moe.
Finally win one gain 8 ratings. Yeah its broken .
Neither one of you two clowns has ever been 2.4 K on my level. I’ve done it multiple times on three different accounts with four different classes. You can quit giving each other E-head now. Also since you didn’t do any research, this Hunter is brand new. Nice try though.
Correct. I have been above 2.4, unlike you.
You haven’t been 2.4. Ever.
Beyond that, none of us care. You seem to care. Maybe grow up.
I think the OP made a valid point. Earlier this week on my alt’s Blitz 2200 CR 2700 MMR, I saw a player of the same class as my alt. He wasn’t fully conquest-geared, no gems at all, and was around 1500 CR with 2700 MMR.
It was pretty clear he was new to the class and wasn’t contributing much. At first I thought he was intentionally throwing so I wanted to report him, but after checking his profile, I found that he had won all of his first eight games, which explained his high MMR. He probably wasn’t throwing, as none of his other toons had made significant progress in rated PvP.
Since we played the same class, he was always on the opposing team, essentially giving me three free wins. Of course, it’s unfair to his teammates.
This is my third account as you saw it was created for this expansion. You can shut up now. You can find my other accounts on here if you actually study hard enough, since you’re obsessed with losing to me
I was trolled for bringing this up months ago.
Like the videos you said you would post, those accounts don’t exist.
Actually everybody with a simple search can find two of my other licenses that are tied to this game where I’m over 2400. It’s okay you’re just too brain dead to know how to do that. Not my problem, that’s yours. I’m having fun being above you at all times.
sure thing dude.
Oh really? Sure thing? Yes, it is a sure thing. I’m ranking up quickly whenever I want, with VERY few matches played on a new hunter. First shuffle after not playing for 11 days.
Congrats on your first 2k!
Nah I’m 2.4k and ranking up easily straight back to it unlike you. Congrats on your first 2192 that you have been sitting on for 4 months after your purchase.
Look at the amount of matches you play only to look like garbage.
Also, this is my alt hunter at this point. You’re welcome to look at all my characters since I already linked it to you. Good luck getting an achievement I got a decade ago. I’m sure your wife and kids will be very proud of you.
Yep. I’m 2.4k on 3 accounts for multiple years, and you’re hardstuck for 4 months. Live with it. You’re welcome to just give me more E-Head now. Easy to hit 2.3k. My wife and kids are a great achievement and more than your sorry 128 pound self could ever handle. You’ve never, and will never have to worry about reproduction though. Peace.
I feel bad for your wife and kids. They have a dad who is mentally ill on the WoW forums
Literally no one believes you. You came to these forums accusing 1600 players of cheating and you continue to harass me and other players with your insane delusions.
You say you have ‘proof’ of cheating and you don’t post it. You say you have other accounts, and you don’t link them. You said you were going to hit 2.3 four weeks ago and haven’t.
Tick. Tock.