MM hunter feedback -- tl:dr no more deadzone, make sniper training better

Please remove deadzone too…it feels horrible being in a fight and having to stack tight close to a boss or being in a tight corner but can’t do anything to the boss because of dead zone. Sniper training feels awful right now, if anything standing still should just add a stack but moving shouldn’t remove stacks. It punishes you way too much for having to move in PVE. A big part of our rotation relies around sniper training and aimed shots @ five stacks. Its not like a caster where when I move, once im stopped moving, im no longer punished. With sniper training you lose stacks so fast for even having to move a tiny bit. Please, rethink at the very least making Sniper Training better. Our damage isn’t even that crazy as is.

edit: removed part about thinking traps should do more damage. We will wait and see what p4 brings. But deadzone and sniper training are two things you know have issues without having to even test in p4 as we experienced it after the rework. Also, Dead zone is just terrible. On a fight where you have to stack and not being able to do any damage at all because I am too close to the boss feels terrible doing no damage with no choice. Or they tank goes to move the boss and now its in my deadzone range so I have to break my sniper training stacks just to get out of deadzone range to do damage again messing up the rotation big time.

The traps are doing more damage in phase 4 (though they are scaling with melee attack power with T.N.T. rune instead of ranged attack power, it is still scaling nonetheless (300+ damage ticks with Immolation Trap for example).

Sniper Training in it’s current form is okay…and would be better if the shifts from stationary to moving were more responsive/precise. You can stutter step tiny amounts and not lose any stacks at all, but if you take a full step and stop, you will see yourself lose 1-2 additional stacks after you stop before it starts to count back up.

MM is doing good damage on PTR despite all of the bugs currently (traps not being combat usable sometimes despite trap launcher, aspect of the lion randomly dispelling itself, among others).

Yeah, Sniper Training is wack af in its current form. Also, the fact we still got to worry about dead zone in pve it feels horrible.

Even without using traps MM hunter is doing better DPS than every toon I’ve tested. They definitely don’t need more dps.

This is kind of expected though. There is not a ton of scaling with MM Hunters and the difference between (example) pre-BiS and full BiS for Sunken Temple was less than 10%

They will start strong and finish strong but won’t have the growth you see for many other classes.

EDIT: Give them a good weapon and follow a proper rotation and they are going to be close to as good as they can get…anything else will be small.

I hope that they get rid of fire immunity so our traps actually do damage. Fire mages could go fire etc. But let’s be real sniper training sucks in its current form for how much you are punished for moving at all with how integral it is for the rotation to go smoothly. When you dont have stacks it throws the whole rotation out of whack. Also, being dead zoned is something I hope you guys agree at least in pve isn’t it. I’ll agree maybe I should wait to see what kind of damage we do before I ask more damage. But dead zone and sniper training not being great are two real talking points.

edited what I said above: removed part about thinking traps should do more damage. We will wait and see what p4 brings. But deadzone and sniper training are two things you know have issues without having to even test in p4 as we experienced it after the rework. Also, Dead zone is just terrible. On a fight where you have to stack and not being able to do any damage at all because I am too close to the boss feels terrible doing no damage with no choice. Or the tank goes to move the boss or mob. Now its in my deadzone range so I have to break my sniper training stacks just to get out of deadzone range to do damage again, messing up the rotation big time.

I definitely agree the deadzone needs to be removed. Or shortened significantly.

Kill Shot (which sadly competes with Sniper Training) has no minimum range. They could rework Master Marksman rune to remove the minimum range from abilities rather than the mana cost reduction it currently provides.

If they want to get crazy weird with it they could add a ‘sweet spot’ mechanic where dealing damage at 8 yards or closer (current “deadzone”) deals 90% damage, 8-35 (or 8-41 with Hawk Eye) deals the normal 100% damage…so you want to stay at range but aren’t punished nearly as bad if you have to get closer for a mechanic or whatever…

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