MM advices?

Hey guys!

Well basically I’m struggling with MM right now, that I returned to the spec since Wod.

I just cannot quite find a friendly key bind to make it ‘flow’ easily… and also considering we are at late end game, I cannot find a place to practice pve to get used to the configuration. Any recommendations from your side?

I’ve even started a few alts , like mage and druid, with a similar bind and got it quite easily, but I’m just hating this atm! Any advice will be highly appreciated! Ty in advance!

` - Serpent Sting (will be replaced with Covenant abilities in SL)
1 - Aimed Shot
2 - Arcane Shot
3 - Rapid Fire
4 - Kill Shot
5 - Essence (will be replaced with Steady Shot in SL)
6 - Steady Shot (will be replaced with a wildcard for active talents in SL)
Q - CC (Concussive Shot/Scare Beast on a modifier macro)
E - “Stun” (Bursting Shot and Scatter Shot on a modifier macro for MM, Intimidation for BM/SV)
R - Counter Shot
F - Feign Death/Camouflage on a combat/nocombat macro
T - Tranq Shot
G - Multi-Shot
Z - Mounts/Cheetah/Darkflight/Hearthstones macro
C - Disengage/Turtle/Exhilaration/Health Potion/Healthstone/Command Pet macro
V - Burst CD macro (Trueshot, Double Tap, Drums, Command Pet again for when running Ferocity)
B - Misdirection (thinking of changing this, as I have MD macro’d in with Aimed Shot and it’s kinda redundant)
M5 - Pet attack/follow/call/dismiss/mend macro, with Hunter’s Mark on a mouseover
M6 - Flare/Eagle Eye macro (thinking of dropping this in favor of Wild Spirits/Resonating Arrow, or Volley, as I prefer ground target spells on mouse buttons)
M7 - Traps/Binding Shot macro

Movement is WASD with Strafe on A/D and keyboard turning unbound.

Y is an Opie ring with Extra Action Button, Zone Ability, and Quest Items.

H is Assist Target.

Default UI keybinds that were taken over are banished to the right side of the keyboard, or left unbound and clicked via micro menu.

I keep basically the same keybind setup across all classes and specs (healers excepted, I use click casting for healing).


Reroll to shadow priest.

Thank you for your time! Gonna try that!

Thanks for the constructive reply

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You’re welcome!

I’m not going to make a recommendation on keybinds, as I use ESDF for movement instead of WASD, and swapping to that is rather…arduous (muscle memory doesn’t like being retrained). However, for practicing, I honestly just recommend practicing the rotation on a target dummy, complete with cooldown usage, until you find a keybind combination that works for you and you’re comfortable with everything.

However, from a more general perspective on keybinds, I can make some recommendations. It’s usually best to have your primary rotational buttons as close to the movement star as possible. For WASD, that’s going to be 1-3 or 1-4. 5 and the tilde/grave key to the left of 1 are also solid options, though stretch a bit. I also recommend using modifier keys rather than spreading laterally too much.

Actually, here’s my keybind space. Just mentally move everything over by 1 key:

Primary rotational buttons are on 2-5 and Shift 2-5, on the left hand bar at the bottom. Double Tap is located so I can easily use it followed by either RF or AiS, depending on the situations (Shift4 → Shift3 for RF, Shift4 → 4 for AiS). The buttons on either side of that left bar, which show as B4 and [, are mouse buttons.

Most of my utility is and CDs and such is bound on A, Q, W, R, T, G, or those plus a modifier.

As with Adreaver, I use the same binds on all my toons, and generally place the same type of abilities on similar keys. My AoE usually goes on G. My emergency buttons are usually on one of my mouse buttons (Feign and Disengage) or Q. I also usually place taunts on Q, and for classes where they have them, cleanses. CC usually goes on Ctrl+W or Ctrl-R for me, with auxiliary CC that isn’t used as much (ex. Scare Beast) basically wherever I find room.

I have a trio of macros on Ctrl-A, Ctrl-Q, and Ctrl-R for controlling my pet, with A being pet follow, Q being pet attack, and R being pet move to. My interrupts are always on my forward mouse button, and shift-cast of that is my focus interrupt macro (alt-forward-mouse is my mouseover focus macro). Healing stuff is on Alt 2-4. Snares and some types of mobility (Wild Charge, Blink) are typically on R, while W is usually heals for hybrid classes.

But again, this is all based on ESDF, rather than WASD. The key is keeping everything close to that movement star, however. If you notice from those binds, no hotkey is more than about 2 keys from my movement star.

The best keybinds are the ones you’re comfortable with and can develop muscle memory with. That’s why it’s a good idea to use similar binds for similar things on various characters, it lets you “borrow” muscle memory from your main for your alts (and use alts to help develop primary muscle memory, at least to an extent).

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I suppose this is no consolation, but I, too, had a hard time getting the spec under my fingers after coming back from a hiatus. The problem you’ll be fighting is that it used to be a logical, priority-based rotation, but is now just a clown fiesta of trying to not cap AiS charges, ignoring procs, and also ignoring what used to be your primary builder.

Not trying to be a negative Nancy. I’m just suggesting that nothing ever feels QUITE right in the way your rotation unfolds, so don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t flowing in a way you expect.

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The man.

The legend.

Ty both!

In reply to @Painlyss I also feel that there is something not quite right to make the rotation flow in a smoothie way

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Maybe that’s “The Myth” part - a functionally smooth rotation :smiley:

So, I took some ideas from your keybindings (ty a lot)

And I currently made a macro to cast true shot at aimed shots, with the purpose of forgetting about maintaining Trueshot and instead have it (almost) automatically up on CD.

The script looks like this:
/cast Trueshot
/cast Aimed Shot

As you can see, you have to cast Trueshot first, or otherwise the you’ll cast Aimed Shot, but no Trueshot. Or at least I wasn’t able to make it work.

So far, I’m happy with the macro, but the problem is that the Trueshot CD counter is beeing displayed at the new icon and makes it quite imposible to see ow many charges you have in stock.

Is there a way to change that besides the “Show Numbers for Cd” option at interface? :thinking:
The one even unchecked, btw, with my current macro doesn’t show how many charges you have on Aimed Shots

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I think you want the “#showtooltip Aimed Shot” thing at the beginning of the macro to ignore True Shot (since you’re not really paying attention to it anyway.)

You are the True Saviour of Middle Earth

Read this sticky thread in the macro forum.

It covers this, and a ton of other common questions and issues with macros.

I wrote and maintain it, so feel free to ask any questions here or in the macro thread.

Macros: Essential Information

Check out my addon PetControl on Curse.

It gives you a single command /click PetControl that you can drop into macros and do most common pet movement. I use it across Hunter and Mage, dropped into larger macros that control things like Call/Mend/Revive/Dismiss Pet on Hunter, and [@cursor]Freeze and [@pet]Frostbolt] on the Mage.

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Ooof, that addon apparently hinges on using alt, ctrl, and shift as modifiers. I’d have to allocate an entirely separate button for it.


Does that even still work? I thought they’d removed the frostbolt-heals-your-pet bit like a couple expansions ago. I seem to remember it not working anymore, at least. Did they add it back?

Don’t bother. If history plays out, both specs will be nerfed to crap.

Idk, I haven’t seriously played my mage since WoD, and I run Lonely Winter now.

Just tested it for the sake of science, Frostbolt cannot be used on the pet, so no healing.

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