Mizzen is a dirty, no-good spammer

Glad we got another thread on this


I think if you accept it then “untrack” it the problem is solved. At least someone explained that to me as something I must have done which resolved this problem.

I remember when I was creating alts for SL I would always go to Dalaran for the extra heartstone because it was easy for me to go to their transmorg then use my regular hearthstone to go back to SL. Of course that bird was always following me around.

So I accepted the quest, “untracked” it and that solve the problem.

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Blizzard seems to like spam, so I’m trying to help them out

I even did the stupid quest and it still happens


Mizzen stopped spamming me after one of the many hotfixes in those first few days finally allowed me to finish the event, but I’m still finding invitation bags in the inventory of alts that I apparently set aside instead deleting while trying different strategies to get it to stop.

Just doing what Mizzen is doing.

but…you’ll have to wait

That kind of thing ceases to work when you run up against the limit of 25 quests in the quest log, though.

Cross game items are cool. A Diablo themed pet/mount. A hearthstone toy, an overwatch non battle pet.

But spamming your mobile game is just as bad as the /services channel.

Get the metrics on how many ignore your pop up quest and the junk we get in the mail and get a clue.

Very tasteless and annoying.


Usually by the time I have that many quests I’m on to the next expansion or at least the next release and I delete the old ones. But other people’s mileage may vary.

“Bruh, I only get 12 minutes to play a week and I refuse to spend 10 seconds of it deleting this item!!”

if you accept it. Do the initial “turn it in to blah blah” quest and then DON"T take any other quests it stops the spam. I stopped getting them in my mail after that initial turn in. Deleting them just resends them I noticed.

Mizzen is a terrorist.

At this rate I fully expect Blizzard to create an IRL mailing list and start filling up our billing addresses with rumble reminders.

The irony is that after all this spamming, still no one actually knows when Warcraft Rumble releases.

(it’s this Friday)

well that’s a bit of a throwback.

i did that and im still getting them

Well, that’s a bit pedantic.

25 or 35, the point I was making stands.

But hey, it’s good of you to take the time to dig up that quote to keep me on the straight and narrow.

if you were limiting yourself to 25, then you’ve got 10 free slots.

I think what you meant to say, is “thank-you”.

Nah, meant as written.

If you’d said something like, “Hey, just FYI, the quest log limit is now 35! Your point still stands, but at least there are ten more slots to fill before it becomes an issue,” it might have come across as “genuinely trying to help,” rather than snarky.

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no snark (originally) intended.

sorry if you read it that way.

In the United States of Freedom, the CAN-SPAM Act provides for penalties of up to $50,120 per spam email. Alls I’m saying is that if Mizzen was sending this much spam to my email, he’d owe about $9,000,000,000,000 in damages.