My preserve evokes can do the same exact thing, maybe a notch slower but I can def get the flag alone and carry it to my base with my team 7vs1 the tower FC
And my Druid would be in the same spot if he just had a tad bit better heal/ survival abilities however unlike the evoker and MW can can sneak into enemy base without being trained on the way and still can get out and get the job done on his own
I have won plenty of games on my evoker vs MW and have won a bunch on my Druid too
And in general whoever class was the best FC class could always take and bring the flag alone in bgs
Weather it was a resto/ guardian Druid , DH, MW, Evoker etc, there have always been a class that could take the flag alone and bring it to the base compared to the not so good flag carry classes
Look at the games where there aren’t Monks or evokers , the Druid is always the next class in line to carry and in a fight that has no mw / evokers , the team with a guardian/ resto Druid is usually the one winning
Now imagine if they make the same rules about WSG flag as it is in EOTS where everyone who picks the flag can not go more than base speed even with all abilities
Most games would just end up in a draw as training fc would be trivial the team could fight mid for 10 min and still be able to catch the fc
It will just drag the games , no one will want to pick the flag and most games will end up in a draw
The flag should be able to be brought to base before it starts accumulating stacks and most teams have means to do that unless it’s just a very unlucky comp but that is the same for every map.
Again to me I prefer to have multiple classes that gets buffed to be able to carry flag than nerf existing classes
The stacking debuff makes it easy for any 1-2 dps to be able to gut the etc in their base so there isn’t such thing as invincible FC