Mistweaver as Flag Carrier

I’m actually -fine- with the teleporting trick - there IS counterplay there as you can see where they place it as you give chase, and it’s a short range of 30 yards, so they need to be careful with where they place it

What I -Do- want nerfed is the 6 chi torpedoes they can use - just tweak something about it where a clever player can kneecap it if a monk uses it willy nilly - maybe if someone lands a root/snare mid-torpedo it stops them? Just anything, please. Just -something- to punish a MW for being out of position with no team back up thinking they can grab the flag willy nilly.

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Pres evoker just as broken do t forget aboht them


No, if FCs go back to a tanky spec or a literal tank and ghe fc debuff having a movemrnt speed penalty on top of extra cd in torpedo sprint dh jump… it will be balanced

A team with mw pres mages hunters beats literally anhthing else. No , your team being “ahead” of the mw wont stop him he will leave everyone behind and rop the ramp, go up top and just teleport. Meanwhile other fcer is just half way the map and getting focused down.

One day I must have lost 10 in a row pure twin peaks to mws just solo winning the bg.

No coordination no nothing will make a team full of rets warriors and a shaman stop a mw.


Priests can use ultimate presence while holding orbs

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Just faced this and wanted to alt4

Don’t worry, I’ll go play my Mistweaver and get obliterated to keep the balance the same.

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Played a blitz Twin Peaks with me near 2060 CR, unknown MMR, two enemy MWs and we beat them. It wasnt easy, my heart was racing and I was swearing irl to myself most of the match, but they can be beaten. More important than can they fail might be, is their tool kit appropriately balanced compared to the non-dragons among us.

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I played 2 CTF so far.

First one we lost bad, I kept messing up my rolls, and my team wasn’t helping with the mages sitting on me or efc.

Second one, I capped, then a druid capped after I got killed in flag room and priest healer capped the 3rd one.

This is just high risk high reward because if your team is bad, then they’re just playing without a healer in mid… some people think it’s just a free win.

That’s with my skills tho. For sure an elite MW monk will have much easier time.

The MW’s team can freely 7v1 that flag carrier. That’s the problem. That the MW can do so much ALONE. They can safely assume the MW won’t be caught unprepared, and will never have high enough stacks to be in much danger.

Sending 3-4 teammates whose only job is to goalie the MW means every teamfight is at heavy disadvantage, then someone else grabs the flag while your whole team is at the graveyard. Keep both healers back to outnumber theirs and that means you have 2-3 dps, and struggle to get a single kill.


My preserve evokes can do the same exact thing, maybe a notch slower but I can def get the flag alone and carry it to my base with my team 7vs1 the tower FC

And my Druid would be in the same spot if he just had a tad bit better heal/ survival abilities however unlike the evoker and MW can can sneak into enemy base without being trained on the way and still can get out and get the job done on his own

I have won plenty of games on my evoker vs MW and have won a bunch on my Druid too

And in general whoever class was the best FC class could always take and bring the flag alone in bgs

Weather it was a resto/ guardian Druid , DH, MW, Evoker etc, there have always been a class that could take the flag alone and bring it to the base compared to the not so good flag carry classes

Look at the games where there aren’t Monks or evokers , the Druid is always the next class in line to carry and in a fight that has no mw / evokers , the team with a guardian/ resto Druid is usually the one winning

Now imagine if they make the same rules about WSG flag as it is in EOTS where everyone who picks the flag can not go more than base speed even with all abilities

Most games would just end up in a draw as training fc would be trivial the team could fight mid for 10 min and still be able to catch the fc

It will just drag the games , no one will want to pick the flag and most games will end up in a draw

The flag should be able to be brought to base before it starts accumulating stacks and most teams have means to do that unless it’s just a very unlucky comp but that is the same for every map.

Again to me I prefer to have multiple classes that gets buffed to be able to carry flag than nerf existing classes

The stacking debuff makes it easy for any 1-2 dps to be able to gut the etc in their base so there isn’t such thing as invincible FC

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Would you support buffing or un-nerfing tanks so they might choose to carry?


Oh absolutely, would give tanks some purpose.

The debuff stacks so there is no danger of them being immortal, same with all other classes

Tanks should have their place in BGs in the form of flag carry or stalling/ guarding points without being top dps


The issue for some tanks right now concerning flag/orb carry, they take a very large % more damage from all sources just for being a tank AND many defensives for Paladins dont work with a flag or orb in addition to orb/flag stacks. Some of this is needed so tanks are not immortal, but the combination of all of it makes some tanks avoid FC/orb duties at all costs, as they are the least likely to live doing the job.

I think the percentage of increased damage tanks take from being tanks is a bit too high when not orb/flag carrying and way to high when orb/flag carrying.

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Not that Random BGs matter to me, and my team and the rest of the enemy teams performance are a factor, but I sure was reminded just how fast a MW can get the flag across the map. I was the only one to attack the MW at the start of the WSG. He brushed off my MS, CC, and damage like it didnt happen, used instant mobility to get some distance from me and grabbed the flag, then acted like my CC, MS, and damage didnt happen again and flew across the map. Enemy team had my team and I in rapidly reapplied slows and snares at our GY and the enemy capped. No one from my team scored once, I think one teammate touched their flag once and died. The second cap went the same. Used stealth to get out of the GY farm, used 8 or so CCs on the MW, he didn’t seem to notice my damage or anything else and kept zooming to get the flag, zoomed past me again to return it, i logged off the game a few seconds before it was 2-0. I may have been the only one to do damage and CC to the EFC healer.

My teammates told me what I already saw, they were GY farmed from start to finish drowning in CC.

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So, it wasn’t exactly that the MW mobility is high which was the problem, but that your team was out maneuvered by a team with 1 less healer, to the point that they couldn’t mount a defense.

Nerfing MW and Dragon mobility with the flag would go a long way to helping tanks as FC. I’m not really a fan of buffing tanks even if only exclusively in BGB though. Even if tanks got buffed those 2 classes need mobility nerfs with the flag

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Just go and get the enemy flag, wait 1:15 and they can’t move, just like everyone else.

They also take 50% increased damage and receive 25% reduced healing, just like everyone else.

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MW are better flag carriers than any other spec. And saying other specs also take damage or that MWs can be stopped does not make it untrue.

Port + ring of peace is unreal for holding a flag. That plus all that mobility makes taking damage less of an issue for MWs