Mistake in leveling too much?

Today i got BFA and with it a 110 boost, i used the boost and started to level a 110 character in a new server, so its my highest level in that realm.
Problem is, with korrak revenge going on and me being kind of impatient i decided that the best course of action would be to just level to 120 in the event, and i didnt even touch anything in the BFA expansion before level 120
Problem is, korrak gives you nothing in terms of gear, and gear in there doesnt matter much, so, as a result, im a 120 with 110 gear that i got from the boost, so my ilvl is around 200 (with some pieces that i got miraculously), but the mobs are now scaled to level 120s with at least normal gear, not gear from the last expansion, so now i can barely progress and complete quests because i just die to normal mobs, if i pull 2 i die almost every time, real Classic feels
I was able to get SOME gear pieces around ilvl 270 with some quests i found randomly and complete, and i was able to get a piece form a dungeon as well.

Are there any tips on what i can do to solve this other than just getting carried in dungeon finder for a while? Most guides say get Benthic Gear that is a wooping 100 levels above what im getting, but the sources for that is way beyond what i can do, i cant even kill some named mobs for quests, im so lost

The solution is to buy green level 120 item level 266 gear on the AH it’s cheap. I would buy higher level rings and trinkets if they are available And reasonsble. A couple weeks ago on my server 400 trinkets were only like 1.5k gold on the AH. 310 rings 700 gold. Read this thread on gearing.

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Your gear situation ID com one for 110’s leveling with the KorrK buff.

If you are shy on gold and the are too tough for your ilevel, don’t hesitate to gues for LFR low level dungeons.
There are usually one or two High Ilevel toons in the group who are zerging through the dungeon for transmogs and are carrying most of the group by themselves anyway.


Thanks for the reply guys, i think ill follow Nok’s advice as i am in fact short on gold as well, but the AH idea was really good too

If you have not unlocked world quests, try to do that now it doesn’t take long and is your top priority. There might be a 2000 gold emmisary up. That would cover almost a full set of 120 greens, which might enable you to do the initial Nazjatar story quests to get the 370 weapon.

You can be severely under geared and still get world quests done because there are plenty of others doing them. Just need to tag a mob once to get credit.

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As you do increase your Ilevel, farm rep for the three main horde/alliance factions by doing their main story line quests. One you are friendly with all three, and level 120, you unlock the war campaign which gives you access to some quite good gear.

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I think the 2k gold emmisaries only show up after you max your heart to 70 and they replace the AP emmisary reward

Being in a new player friendly guild could help you as well. Many guilds schedule events for mythic dungeons to specifically help undergeared folks to gear up. But YMMV in a big way on guilds.

The 2k gold emmisaries showed up on all three of my fresh 120 alts with low neck levels. This was in the past couple months.