Missing Druid Shapeshift Addon

Is there an addon or any other methods to track what shapshift forms you have and what’s missing? Having to visit the Barber shop is getting annoying.


/run local numForms = GetNumShapeshiftForms() if numForms>0 then for i=1, numForms do local form = GetSpellInfo(select(4, GetShapeshiftFormInfo(i))) print(form) end else print("No Forms") end

Tomorrow (when TWW pre-patch launches):

/run local numForms = GetNumShapeshiftForms() if numForms>0 then for i=1, numForms do local form = C_Spell.GetSpellInfo(select(4, GetShapeshiftFormInfo(i))).name print(form) end else print("No Forms") end

I use the Manuscripts Journal addon. It tracks the manuscripts for dragon mount customization but they also have a tab just for druid glyphs! After installing you will now see a tab named “manuscripts” under the collection of mounts, toys and appearances. On the top right there are two tabs, one for manuscripts and then our druid glyphs.
The “Manuscripts Journal” can be found on curseforge.
I really enjoy this addon because not only does it show what you are missing but where it comes from when you hover over each icon. Hope this helps.