Missing Character

Hello, I just added time for the first time since in a while. I have a lvl 51 Hunter on Thunderfury named Benkiller. It will not let me use that character on Classic or BCC. I want to use it on BCC and it says that it is activated on BCC but I cannot find it under any server.

I never did the character clone, I wasn’t aware and was on hiatus during that process.

I can find the character on classic, but the ‘Enter World’ button is grayed out and it says that my character has been sent to BCC. But I’ve checked every realm, no trace of a 51 hunter.

Has this happened to anyone?

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Looks like I was a day late and a buck short. Thunderfury reportedly moving to Sulfuras; can possibly take up to two weeks. That’s a bummer considering that’s half a subscription after coming back.

On the plus side perfect time to level an alt

I guess i can hop on modern WoW and see what the changes are. I’ve been around since 2008 but have neglected my main for a long time now, would be interesting to see the difference in the last few years.


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