Misconceptions About Thalyssra & The Nightborne

Well yeah I have seen those posts before, but I didn’t think they represented a general trend or particularly popular opinion. High Elves on the other hand have like a sizeable fan base and are much more vocal at the very least in my opinion.

Thaylassra didn’t “seek out anyone” Both the Alliance and the Horde had front line people in charge of their respective efforts in the liberation of Suramar, Tyrande and and Lady Liadrin, respectively. So they both were kind of just there.

However they were vastly different in how they presented themselves through the entire campaign. Tyrande was only interested in helping the Nightborne liberate themselves in order to redude Kal’dorrei cassualties and made absolutely no effort to pretend otherwise.

Liadrin however, intimately familliar with the experience her own people had gone through with the destruction of the Sunwell was able to empathise with the Nightborne, that difference is obvious to anyone who has played both the Alliance and Horde versions of the Suramar storryline.

Despite all of that mistreatment though, Thylassra DID make a sincere gesture to reconnect with Tyrande and her sundered kin. And Tyrande put the through kibosh on that notion.

With that context, the idea that anyone could not understand why she took up with Liadrin is far-fetched, to say the least.

As to the Void Elves, their story pretty much begins and ends with Alleria, Alliance darling.


Part of that has to do with the fact that the Night Elf to Horde argument has shaky sand for a foundation.

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From what I remember, the occasional thread about how night elves would have been better off as a horde race hardly have anything to do with the horde itself. It’s usually from people lamenting how the night elf themes got sanded down around the edges in order to more properly square them away with the alliance, while their wilder side would be more freely expressed (flaws and all, most likely).

It seemed to have very little to do with whether or not they’d actually fit with the horde races, but that could just be my memory being selective.


The dialog in the quest explains why the Nightborne become willing to join the Horde, after not being interested.

It doesn’t refer to how Tyrande had insulted her and thus she saw no reason for ties, instead it emphasizes how such ties were obvious.

It does refer to Thalyssra waiting on answer (form Tyrande). It refers to how that answer was a rejection, by Tryrande, of the “bond we once shared”. All this in a dialog about how the Nightborne were seeking allies.

I mean, if this truly isn’t clear to you, I don’t know what to say. In the end, you can just lay down the situation. Along those lines…
Here is the relevant quest again for those who want to read it…


Tyrande: The kaldorei will fight to see the Legion defeated and the Nightwell destroyed.

Tyrande’s only priority was defeating the legion. Tyrande has no stake in the liberation of Suramar to care one way or another, as evidenced by her own words.

Can you show me an example of that beyond Thalyssra stating that she thought the Night Elves would make obvious allies?

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The context is all right here for her to read. The context is you getting called out for being hella toxic, and throwing a fit over it with ad hominem. Which doesn’t make you look any better.

You can’t throw out a casserole of obscenities as a means of demonstrating how level headed you are, and how “unhinged” the person you are attacking is…


I’m going to use this to describe BfA. Thanks!



it’s not much material wise, just the encounter you have doing the race unlocking quest line.

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Then you can understand how I’d think you saying Thalyssra made “a sincere gesture to reconnect” with the Night Elves sounds a lot like head-canon, or at the very least an over-exaggeration of the truth when your only example is a single line of misconstrued text. Thalyssra merely assumed the bond they once shared would be enough for them to rekindle a relationship, but couldn’t have predicted Tyrande’s unwillingness to trust.

Hypothetically, had both the Alliance and Horde made an offer to Thalyssra to join them and the NB rejected the Alliance’s offer on the basis of Tyrande’s demeanor/lack of diplomacy, then you could feel free to say that it was Tyrande’s mean words that drove the Nightborne to the Horde, but no such offer was made.

Even though I know these sentiments are largely motivated by the resentment Alliance player’s feel over not receiving the Nightborne as an Allied Race, I just couldn’t resist clearing this up. :smiley:


I didn’t want Nightborne as an allied race, quite frankly I dislike the idea of allied races at all and I’m pretty sure they were just a gimmick to sell BfA pre-orders, and cannibalized a large portion of the customization update we’re getting.

But I feel it’s pretty clear from the intro to unlock them that Tyrande didn’t reach out after, while the Blood Elves did. They then replayed the same lines from the Insurrection chain that Tyrande said, framing it as if those words were what drove them away, when really, it seems as though the Nightborne just sided with whatever faction came to them first.

Tyrande’s words were in keeping with her being a hardened, thousands of years old military leader confronted with a potential threat that hasn’t proven they’ve truly changed. A way to prove they had truly changed would have been to reach out after, like the Highborne did, but they didn’t. Thalyssra’s reaction was out of character and contrived, to be honest, considering she’s supposed to be a ten thousand year old politician and leader in a society that is very cutthroat, literally.

But they needed to sell pre-orders, so here we are.


To be fair most of the people he puts down are either blatantly trolling or have such inane opinions that they should be.


Its not so blatant to me, nor do I think there is such a thing as an opinion, relating to a video game, that merits putting people down and in some cases, outright bullying them.

Pretty disgusting that you would endorse such behavior.

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I think it is an issue when people are constantly spamming or making bait threads, but that’s what the report function is for.
And as we’ve seen on these very forums, the report function does do -something. I have gotten banned for it a while back just for bringing up a sensitive topic. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than individual posters with their own biases acting as regulators of thought, which almost amounts to illegitimate censorship.


I don’t recall. Not saying you are wrong, but I haven’t made a thread in months to my memory. Can I get a link?

Maybe Kordana’s mixing you up with Syeales’s repost about that Peak California thread? That was back in mid-May to June, though.


That is what I am thinking too.

Wrong Night Elf.

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I’m like 90% sure you were Kyalins mouthpiece but maybe I am misremembering.

Edit: Just checked and you’re right. I apologize for dragging your name that was wrong of me.

I’ll delete my post so nobody gets the wrong idea.

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How much context does someone need other than to instantly pick up on how petty and inept you are? lol

Like if I read another paragraph of your pretentious, whiny little run ons I’ll suddenly be like, “Hey, this guy might be a very low level thinker with not a single positive character trait, but he does have a point”.

This forum is so much better without “regulars” like you. You literally have nothing better to do in your life than make lore based opinion posts, so obviously it’s going to be mostly negative when you don’t have any real positive life experience to draw from.

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Vile paladin! You hide your devious necromancy behind the false pretense of being the hand of the Light.

Heh, RP is fun.