Minor TBC Upgrades

this doesnt make sense.

plenty of guilds are currently struggling in Naxx.

are you saying you want guilds that were able to clear Naxx day 1 to struggle in SSC?

well lol… if blizzard tuned raids to be difficult for Day clear guilds… that would make them almost impossible for all the casual guilds.

there is 1 difficulty to these raids.

making them actually super hard for the best guilds means making it impossible for everyone else.

blizzard won’t do this.

your best hope is that blizzard introduces a “heroic” version of the raids. which they wont do because that would mean adding entirely new sets of gear.

if your goal is to have raids that are actually challenging for top guilds. it’s not happening.

if your goal is to have raids that are challenging for everyone else. that is more likely.


If you wanted the whole set, you were going to be doing Arena for a while, and even though there is not artificial inflation TBC’s system, its not a problem because if blizzard uses a single battle group like Classic bad players are bad, and they give up rating points to top players who get better and win more, this in turn washes out “campers”.

Mass Dispel, Dispel magic, Purge and spell steal are actually quite expensive, especially with all the trash buffs and debuffs in PVP that need to be kept clear in order to remove the stuff that counts. Really the only problem were things like poison cleansing totem, or abolish poison, because they are fully auto pilot.

He literally mentionned both though. That being said, with the power of some abilities, you can’t really remove offensive dispel (Bloodlust is the first thing that come to my mind).

All the trash buff are literally mechanics to “punish” people spamming purge. It’s also 3-4 global cooldowns where a player isn’t doing anything.



Considering that, “You can’t say no changes! There are already all these changes! Like spell batching (if I’m even bothering to mention examples rather than flatly asserting it!)” is being used as a club against any form of “no, I value authenticity and want to keep it,” the only puzzling thing is that anyone still needs the slippery slope pointed out to them.

The only more annoying argument is…

“I really hope they learn from the fact that even though Classic is hugely popular, it’s still a truism that it’s bad in some way, and avoid actually recreating TBC.”

Y’want artificially inflated difficulty, that’s what private servers are for.

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I don’t really think we need buffed difficulty, but I think we need artificial timegates. With the final patch out and all the bug fixes, content is going to melt and T4 will last like a month. I don’t think that’s very healthy.

We’ll see, though. I imagine that’s how they’ll do it - given phases in Classic - but I’m still a tad worried.

what would you consider a minor change? renaming a monster so it doesn’t hurt your feelings?

Something tells me you have no idea what a minor change is, given this thread, and are just insulting anyone who calls you out on it.


adding a rating decay to players who sit idle in the bracket doesn’t seem like a very difficult thing to do from a coding perspective.

adding a higher coefficient mana cost in pvp situations to dispel/purge doesn’t seem like a very difficult thing to accomplish from a coding perspective. they’ve done it before.

adding content that isn’t trivial to players that HAVE ALREADY SEEN IT may not be simple, but look at this way… there’s a difference between challenging content and LEARNING content. everything we’re doing in classic and everything we’re doing in TBC can be watched on youtube. you can literally walk into the encounter knowing exactly what will happen. if you’re really feeling like having a great time, you can download addons that tell you EXACTLY when things will happen.

how long do you think blizzards customer base will stay entertained with content they can walk over? i’m willing to argue that 90%+ of the current players are 20+ in age. there is no new generation of people experiencing this for the first time.

Not addressing past issues is what made classic such a face roll other than Naxx again, even then more people nuked Naxx than back in the day.

I mean, lmao when you can just cheese naxx with Fury warriors, what makes it different from retail where it’s just the same FOTM cheesing. Same with some QoL improvements such as dual specs.

how long does the cheesing stay healthy and entertaining?

Based on the way you attack anyone who criticises you I’m just gonna say you’re not worth engaging with

I can agree with adjusting easier raids, but BWL and beyond is fine. It’s not hard, but it’s not extremely easy either.

Also considering the OP has no idea what the word “minor” means. The changes they are suggesting are not minor and would change how pvp and raids are handled. This thread is a complete joke.


And lose the people who have zero intrest in those awful systems from the live game. If you really want your content to scale until you cant do it cause it hits to hard or you cant heal it. Just go play retail.

Whats the problem there? People are going to be tourists to content are not going to continue to play if you just make it harder. Difficulty didnt seem to keep people intersted in Naxx as guilds crumbled from the fact they HAD to play the game to prepare and do the content.


Lol no. Just no. Completely disconnected if you think that

no to dual spec.

Having a difficulty above heroic and no nerfs to raids would be a good thing though.

They haven’t played retail if they think that. Completely misinformed and spewing nonsense lol.

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Making those changes to dispels would be a massive nerf to priests and a good buff to druids who are already absurdly strong in 2s and 3s.


also making shamans even worse than they are in 2s, half the reason to even consider an rsham is how powerful their offensive dispel is

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there is no point. if they sit, the rating doesn’t go up. you can catch up. the only way that is not possible, is when a MMR bug happen (which has happened a few season).

sure, let’s make all the healer go oom when they have no other choice than to dispel/purge because otherwise, they are going to lose. you better remove most of the dispel protection if you do that. it’s just useless. keep it as it is, TBC PvP is actually very fun.