Min/Max Clothadins

Heh he was actually making the opposite point, for healing you’re doing worse healing with no gains by using tier over better healing gear.

Heh… I’ll be sure to avoid Horde Rogues in AQ40 :stuck_out_tongue:

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What point do you think I’m making?

I noticed this in another thread, too:

Like, either you are really misunderstanding what I’m saying, or I am doing a poor job of communicating my point (possibly both?).

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That is the case; the question is whether it’s intentional or not.

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Thats why I wouldn’t roll a pally until t3, so then I can be in full plate.

Like a real Chad.


You need more Blue Rage for throughput and more regen mechanics to keep up throughput.

If you’re a Paladin dungeon runner tank, then wear plate. If you’re Ret, good luck.

Lots of mana on the T2 gear. Like I said earlier, when I’m flasked I have over 10,000 mana with 943 healing and I’m not gonna get taken out of the fight by a scuffed mechanic like clothies will. But I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind or take a giant crap on their choices.

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Thats 10000000000000% incorrect. Real real easy to test too. Go check “of the eagle” etc items for cloth, leather etc. Are the “of the eagle” plate pieces less stats than the cloth pieces? No? Exactly… because you’re wrong.

The majority of mechanics that will take out a caster are not physical so armor doesn’t matter.


6k health matters

Over the course of an entire raid your’re preventing literally 10’s, maybe even hundreds!!! of damage by wearing plate over cloth and gimping your healing stats… Theres maybe 1 in 100000 instances where swapping your cloth for plate is going to save you.

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What’s gimped about my stats?

If you’re wearing exclusively Plate you’re gimpng your stats somewhere. Post on your main and I’ll tell you where

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and this is why I didnt play a pally in classic… I would not wear cloth gear. =)

Not 100% plate. I have boots of pure thought and corehound belt.

Your comparing green random generated drop to raid gear…

And the type of stat matters.

Paladin healers LOVE spell crit. Because if they crit on specific spells it returns Mana.

By limiting yourself to plate gear only you lose the chance to get the spell crit that typically is more common on cloth/leather.

It’s not just the raw stats that are important. You don’t see item power budget in play on green gear, you will see it a little on blue gear and it becomes much more apparent on purple gear.

Of the eagle is not a high value item that is limited by stat budget per armor type, only by level of the item because it’s the lower tear of gear (green)

You’re claiming item budget includes cloth-plate armor values. It clearly does not. The way item budget is calculated doesn’t just arbitrarily change for a green item to a blue.

“wahh everyone should just flail around like clueless idiots just like in 2005”



…but it does? In vanilla, the gear’s rarity (Uncommon, Rare, Epic) DOES dictate its state budget compared to other pieces of gear.

You’re thinking of retail. In retail, the color of the item doesn’t matter, only its item level.

No what Bear is saying is that the armor value of an item does not get factored into its budget.

UNLESS it is extremely high or low for it’s armor type, such as the ironweave cloth set, for example.