Mining or herbalism

Ive decided to go skinning, should I go mining or herbalism as my second proffesion? Im a druid

On my miner I see all the best herbs. On my herber I see all the best nodes.


herbing was good for the first few weeks, nows theres so much competition I run into 4-6 guys on Black lotus routes.

mining is very good. i did both but dropped herb.

Herbing is money maker even as you level. Blindweed swiftthistle Kingsblood firebloom goldthorn brierthorn doing really well. The other low level herbs sell to but not for a whole lot. Still on my servers all but the first couple herbs are worth posting. :money_mouth_face:


Do mining, you have a chance.

Black lotus has armies camping it.

Drop skinning and get both. :smiley:

I did both then dropped herb.
You can only see one type at a time on map. I skin for the extra gold.

macro spam

/castsequence Find Minerals, Find Herbs

Swaps between them.


It’s makes cash.

And you get bonus to it, if you are a Tauren that is. (you could be a Nelf Druid, i just assume Horde)

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I love how so many seem to think the benefits of herbalism begin and end solely with black lotus. Keep thinking that, fools.

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I lean herbalism with skinning for most of my alts where other characters have the crafting professions.

Mining requires staying closer to the edges of a zone (if mountains or cliff-like) or along rocky terrain, as well as going deep into caves. Some zones seem barren of ore (Teldrassil, for example). Mining has a small chance of showing you a node as a yellow dot, only to find it is under the world if the terrain shift was too much in the area.

Herbalism is generally more out in the open, anywhere in the zone. (Some herbs are also along rocky terrain and the edges, but others are at the base of trees. You kind of learn where to look for each.) Herbalism has a terrible habit of making the plants look a lot like the groundcover. I was having a hell of a time seeing Sungrass in Feralas yesterday.

So pros and cons for both, but my experience has been that skinning requires me to be killing many beasts, and I run across more beast while doing herbalism, where mining I tend to follow the perimeter and not fight beasts as much.

Would you drop herbing for mining? Both this toon and my 48 Priest are 300 alchy/herb. I have my epic mount on this toon.

I haven’t went herb farming in weeks… been easier to just buy the herbs and then sell rare pots at a good profit… (made 200g in 90 mins last week standing in the AH)

I dunno… asking because I don’t use herbalism much. Maybe pick up mining and make my own arcanite bars? LOL

I actually do have a level 25 warrior alt!

I find more mine nodes, herbs are super camped on my server.

Plus if you farm DME, mining is printing money.

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Thanks for the tip. Seriously considering dumping herb for mining.

As a druid, which profession would be better for the dungeons im gonna be running for gold?

you will use pots everynight in a raid. those take herbs.

you wont use ore every night. with skinning at least.

unless you go engineering and mining.