Mind sear is bad

Whoever thought of bringing back holy nova, I have some words that I cannot say here lol.
Talk about unfun spells. -_-

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If I wanted to be melee, I;d play a paladin or a monk.

Ah…you’re right. My bad.

Mind seat is fine dude, don’t make any more changes please. Now is perfect

you’re right, the talents are in a decent place despite the nerfs to mindspike and bind blast. but mindsear isn’t worth taking in the current design for it. I can’t imagine a single raid scenario where it’s better than just using shadow crash. Insanity is just too hard to build in aoe and by the time you have enough for a decent mind sear any boss adds, that spawn greater than 4 in number, will be dead by the rest of the raid.

Exactly. Give is back to us Disc Preists. We need it! Its useful to pull mobs so we can help tanks and noobs out. They took it from us just now.